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NSonic79's Comments - Page 224

Dead Fantasy

Posted on 01/19/2014 at 10:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

aww RWBY. i'm so scattered over how it all ended (for now) that I am ambiliant on my thoughts on the matter. There was so much potential only to see it squandered by...whatever you call that kind of ending and big "reveal" after the end credits.

Now Dead Fantasy on the other hand. Wow, just wow. I remember back in the day when these videos were exclusive to Monty's Gametrailer's account. Anime expos were chomping at the bit to see the next episode. Too bad he probably won't be able to finish his saga. The last we ever saw of the continuation was a test build of a scene were Tifa awakens after her fight with the ninjas. Got to love Tifa as she takes on Ayane like she did. <3

Now if you really want to see something cool, you should check out Haloid, his mashup vs battle between a Halo Spartan and Metroid's Samus Aran. This was the video that got Rooster Teeth's attention on Monty's work.

December 2013 Recap

Posted on 01/18/2014 at 09:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

if you mind the story you might want to play the first game first since fear files starts off right where the first game ended. that is if you dont mind having the ending to the first game spoiled for you

besides the game having online pass, F3AR does the dead space/resident evil 4/5 route nad has co-op play modes that ruins the fear effect of the game much like how the prior mentioned games ruined the survival horror aspect. because of this you end up missing most of the scares since your usually looking elsewhere or fighting alongside your co-op buddy. and finally the spend more time on the game to jusify its online pass by focusing more on the multiplayer modes than the single player making F3Ar the weakest when it comes to the plot. which is sad given the scares the prior games have to offer. thats why fear files fits my thrilogy better when played between fear 1 & 2. 


Posted on 01/17/2014 at 01:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Your going to start the first ever videogame religion? Pixlbit-ians?

Happy New Year Shopping

Posted on 01/17/2014 at 01:41 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That Aran figure is cool, espiecally alongside the gundams but why do I not see a Macross F valkyrie there........

So how 'bout that Bravely Default demo? - demo review

Posted on 01/17/2014 at 01:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

If I do see this game on the 3DS I might jump at it. MOre akin to get a 3DS anyway given the circumstances of my gaming habits.

Year 2013: Most Played Games – Part 2

Posted on 01/17/2014 at 01:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I really wanted gunslingers with the Blood dragon dual pack offered on PSN. I really enjoyed the demo where I went "Yosimettie Sam" (sorry bad spelling) on some ruffians with some six shooter dual weilding. Once I enjoy Blood Dragon I'll ssee about Gunslinger soon.

Oh boy more halo 4! *rubs hands with glee*

I fear you are correct when it comes to Halo 4 and what it's "becoming". It's bad enough that 343 has corrected themsleves that now Halo 4 is part of the "forerunner saga" than  "trilogy", thus freeing them up to make the next halo game on Xbox One. Personally I wish they'd finish a trilogy on the same console than repeat the same mistakes of having Halo and Halo 2 on Xbox while the rest are on Xbox 360 but I digress...

The "COD"ing of halo has not been helpful for the franchise because despite all they do, when the next COD comes out people will just move on. halo 4's servers have already seen a huge drop off in matches thanks to the release of the subpar COD:Ghosts.

but at the same time I actually like where 343 is taking the story with Halo. I was originally afraid that with the COD'ing of Halo4 would also bring about the sub par wiriting of the stories with the games. That's one of the reasons why I loved the Halo series to begin with: A compelling, interesting sci-fi story. Sure it had it's usual mindless killikillkill moments like any usual FPS but at the same time it had enough heart, character development, story world and plot that you normally never see in an FPS these days. Though most have tried, very few are able to meet the high standards of the Halo Universe that teh limited games have been able to telling. By limiting I mean the cold openings and endings to teh games themselves of course.

I just think of what's become of Halo is that the World that was created out of Halo has gotten to the point where the games simply can't contain them anymore. Part of this was Bungie's fault when they left portions of the story out of the games (either on accident, time constraings or on purpose) so that they could either be explored thru otehr games (halo wars/Halo Reach/Halo 3: ODST) or thru other forms of media (the books, comics, live action shorts/movies). though the games have had limited success in telling the Halo Saga, sadly the books/comics/live action shorts/movies have been better in continuing to allow the series to grow more organically to the point where halo 4 is teh beast that it is when it comes to the story and plot.

though I'm still sore over what was done with Halo: The Fall of Reach and Halo: Reach the video game...

I guess what I'm saying is, I was expecting Halo 4's story to be Halo 4's story because if it was the same old, samole old of what we epected from other Halo games in the past, it would easily being to fall into the same category of the other sequalized FPS's we've seen over the course of the gaming generation. Don't get me wrong though, 343 still played it safe by keeping what made Halo thus why we can still recongize it as a Halo title. But at the same time we are seeing other aspects of the series slowlying "evoling" into other things that of course might nto be welcome to some. The addition of COD'ed elements of gameplay and the more deeper plot being among them. 

I honestly didn't see the addtions of Sarah Palmer and Lanskey as being meant to slowly replace MC. If anything it helped to show that despite all the MC had done in Halos 1 thru 3, he is indeed the "odd spartan out" given how much the universe has changed since he came out of cryo. He now has to contend with a UNSC on the offensive with a massive new flagship along with newer spartans that may or may not cut the mustard when it comes to what he went thru. Is it any wonder that Del Rio doesn't give the MC any respect. As far as humanity is concerned, they are now moving forward and everything else is now history: something they thought the MC was when they had a memorial for him at the end of Halo 3. I'd find it very hard to accept that the MC was back if I was told offically he was dead if I were a trooper in the game. Plus I'm glad when no one thought to say the usual sci-fi cliche in asking the MC "I thought you were dead".

As for the drama, again I point to the "orginaic" parts of the other ways the halo franchise has grown. It had such in the books so it would be natural for them to flow into the game that way. Thankfully we haven't seen it grow to the point of other media that likes to over dramatise. Halo 4's drama was more subtle when they decided to explore teh relationship between Cortana and the MC. If the most "drama" wel'll get to see out of the chief over Cortana's passing is his "please" request during their physical encounter, to his coming to terms with her loss at the end of the game, I'm content with that. Better that than having him fall to his knees and burst out into tears. I'll take the subtle take on drama than the overblown. the MC may look more machine than man but he is still human despite what Halsey did to him to make him a Spartan II.

My Favorite Game of 2013

Posted on 01/17/2014 at 01:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Why am I not shocked on this choice. You've loved this game since it came out, along with everyone else. I wouldn't be surprised if you've already played this game another time in preperation for the DLC soon to be out. Even IGN chose thise game as GOTY. Too bad I'll miss out but atleast I got write ups likes this to tide me over.

A Quick Word from Our Sponsor

Posted on 01/17/2014 at 01:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I never got to see this one! I guess my area doesn't require it or something...

December 2013 Recap

Posted on 01/17/2014 at 01:06 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Enjoy the FEAR Files. Best played in the fall and much, much better than the F3AR disappointment.

23 Games from Steam Winter Sale 2013

Posted on 01/17/2014 at 01:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Nice amount of games you got there. Too bad you have to do so much to your PC just to get some of them to work. One of the reasons why I love console gaming. Sure it maybe cheaper on PC but I'd prefer the less headache and conveiance. But to each their own!

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