I know you mean Assassin's Creed Black Flag, but I think the band Black Flag should really cover a sea shantie. Or Rollins can just show up and join some people already singing one.
I know you mean Assassin's Creed Black Flag, but I think the band Black Flag should really cover a sea shantie. Or Rollins can just show up and join some people already singing one.
Yeah, I try to just feel out what I want as well. I think we give too much thought to our "backlog of shame" when it comes to finishing games we're not REALLY enjoying.
I think I'll only be applying that mentality to books from now on, so I can actually read on a regular basis. I feel like a fraud for teaching at a university yet reading so little in my leisure time.
I guess Pac-Man Fever counts since it's not a video game pro bono and I think I remember you mentioning that about Wreck It Ralph.
I remember reading about that Sugar Rush band as well. I know a lot of the people didn't like that character because of her voice actress being Sara Silverman, but she was my favorite character in the movie.
I haven't seen Wreck It Ralph since it first came out in theaters.
Honestly, it was a bit of a challenge to find anything that wasn't more Protomen songs. This was just a thought I had. I wonder if NWP has ever done this for stage select. I always have a hard time thinking of games for whatever topic they bring up, regardless. Then someone will say one I didn't think of and I'll say, "HOW DID I NOT THINK OF THAT?!"
Congratulations on the weight loss and hope you feel less stressed.
I think the only let's players I can really watch are Game Grumps, but Markiplier seems like a really decent guy. I just can't handle the constant yelling. lol
I'd still like to meet/see him though, cause he seems to have a great personality.
Ralf and Clark sound like a parody/knockoff of Ratchet and Clank. Not the characters, but their names make them sound that way.
I wish there was a mode you could just have those two characters' birds fight each other, like those Tekken animals but in bird form.
Yeah, Blake has told me time and time again that the first few areas are actually the hardest and act as a kind of tutorial, but I just don't respond well to that kind of reverse difficulty curve. I'll get to the game eventually, but I need to finish Horizon Zero Dawn and Gravity Rush 2 before I go back to games I wasn't initially liking like Bloodborne and Witcher III.
As for R&C, I got the hang of certain weapons and using ammo wisely before the last boss well enough that I was able to get over the difficulty curve, but I'm just going to say that I definitely needed a certain unlockable weapon to get past the final boss.