There is a new mass effect game being eveloped but there not calling it mass effect 4. There wanting to try something new and fresh for the series. I figure in the coming months we will learn more about it.
There is a new mass effect game being eveloped but there not calling it mass effect 4. There wanting to try something new and fresh for the series. I figure in the coming months we will learn more about it.
I actually joined 1up twice. The first time I joined up I didnt even blog, I stayed in the shadows mostly and read other user blogs. I wanted to blog really bad but I was super shy. Eventally I deleted my first site attempt and for the next few years I kind of just started writing randomly on different sites but I didnt blog about gaming even though it is what I wanted to blog about. So back in 2012 I rejoined 1up and began blogging about what I love and Ive been happy ever since. I know my writing isnt professional nor the best but I enjoy it and Im gonna keep on writing.
Thanks for letting me know about the texture pack. I didnt hear anything about it tll you posted about it. I must have missed an announcement somewhere.
I threw one back in the Sega Gensis day, however after that I havent thrown one. Waiting for dad to buy a new one taught me a lesson,lol!
No, ill be hunting you down using robots,lol!!!
true,lol. I stayed away from psn and amazon last night for that very reason,lol!
No bad mothman for not getting one when I did!! lol!I had to distort it to make sure the text read right. It worked out okay though,lol
Soul is a great game, Ive been plaing it and I love it!I wanna try Toro out but at the sametime Im concerned to do so for that reason,lol!!! Im gonna read up on Persona 4, and see if ill like it or not.
I swore I did add you....Ill check and if I didnt Im sorry! I could use help on Ragna, Its taking me a bit to grasp the game,lol!
Im gonna grab it on PS+, I played the demo at GS, it was a lot of fun!