I actually got Kiwami steelbook edition for about $20 new. Lol I vastly prefer 0 to it, but it is still fun. I beat it not long ago.
I kind of wish I had waited for an ultimate edition of injustice 2. The DLC is pricey.
I actually got Kiwami steelbook edition for about $20 new. Lol I vastly prefer 0 to it, but it is still fun. I beat it not long ago.
I kind of wish I had waited for an ultimate edition of injustice 2. The DLC is pricey.
I have never finished DK64.
Doing my BaD theme made me realize I only used to play as many games as I did because rentals. Now, you're lucky if a demo hits.
Haha that's one good thing these series have in common: sense of humor.
It is on switch.
Titanfall 2 is actually great.
Outrun isn't locked. You can play it any time in Yakuza 0. Kiwami has VF4 arcade cabinets, but no actual arcade games. Boo.
My biggest running achievement is a 5K in 23:35, but I don't think that's something I can do without the pressure of a thesis defense coming up. lol Great job on the pace; I'm lucky if I can get to a 10:00.
That's a great game for mobile play. I still wish this industry didn't have exclusives. It's one of those things where I can say I hate this about the video game industry all I want, but if someone has the best exclusives for me, I'll buy their hardware. Sure, it keeps things competitive, but there are still different Blu Ray players on the market. Oh well.
It's interesting just how little you need to make something a game.
Was the writer's block weaker to fire or ice attacks?
I think people trying to re-instate a law that loses everyone an hour of sleep are a very good argument for euthanasia.
I mean I'm not being serious, but the thought would cross my mind.