Sometimes ignorance is bliss... I think that I need to go and listen to some pink floyd right about now.
Sometimes ignorance is bliss... I think that I need to go and listen to some pink floyd right about now.
I feel like it is Kojima's job to try and take us all for fools. I think that his schemes have become more and more convoluted, unlike his very straightforward games...
It looks like every single Saturn game that I have ever wanted to play....
I was tempted by this game a long while back... but with everything that I have heard, or read about silicon knights over the years, I am somewhat glad that I did not.
That being said, I do love norse mythology and their take on it did sound quite interesting.
I spent a couple of hours with Hotline Miami, and decided that I might love it even more if I had a controller.
I think that the oustide of the TARDIS is made out of wood...
Of course the most important thing that happened in 1966... The cosmic hobo started his journey across all of time and space.
i think that it should gain a half star for not having online multiplayer shoe-horned into it.
Thanks for that link to the wild arms music... now i really want to go back and play wild arms 3 again. I never beat it, but I put a good 30-40 hours into it.