Yes good sir, you do,lol!!!!
Yes good sir, you do,lol!!!!
No, the only trophies I normally get are the ones that Im lucky to nab going through a game. I dont care all that much for them.
I signed the pettition a few days ago, the joke was indeed in bad taste but the jail sentence is fucking ridilcous. That poor kid shouldnt even being going to jail, grounded maybe for a few months away from the internet yes, but not jail. Shit is getting out of hand in this fucking country -_-
Excited to see more time to play the Beta, My time might get cut jsut a tiny bit short each day since Im gonna start going to the gym before work each day. Other than that though Ill jump on and def play it when I can.
Alright Mr Dresden, well see about teaming up some tomorrow!
I have been a hater of FF13 and all it stands for!!! JK but I personally dont like the ff13 series.I felt like the FF series was going down the drain but FF14 is changing my mind. I completely agree with Asrealasitgets. Id try the beta out and see if you really like it before laying money down. Id hate for you to spend a lot of money on something and not like it :(.
Mine: 1864-9273-7333
Im betting so too on the price drop, It will prolly be awhile but it will most likely happen. I dont think they will before launch because they already dropped a lot of the original policies for it not to mention they still say the price is worth 500 because their giving you the kinetic bundled. Sony stated they dropped having the camera bundled for a cheaper price. If the Xbone gets Fable 4 and Gears of War on the system then it will def be a go for me to get the system but other then that, Ill take my time in getting it.
I actually didnt get into MMO's until I played Guild Wars. WOW was not my first MMO and I actually didnt touch it till after the first four games had been released and been out a very good while. Ive played them since my first time on GW so I enjoy them but I do get tired of them occasionally, especially if no one plays with me for a long time.
I hope you have a safe and good move but please come back soon good sir!