Fallout New Vegas, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy IV, Xenogears, Wild Arms 3, Super Mario RPG, Kingdom Hearts, The WItcher 2... That is all that I can think of right now.
Fallout New Vegas, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy IV, Xenogears, Wild Arms 3, Super Mario RPG, Kingdom Hearts, The WItcher 2... That is all that I can think of right now.
I may find myself buying anothe ps3 in the near future. I want to finish the resistance games, uncharted 3, the last of us, kingdom hearts 1.5, MGS4, 3d dot game heroes, tales of xillia, ni no kuni, guacamelee, dragon's crown, and whatever ones I am forgetting... Now I am wondering why I did not register for a ps3.
The best part, is how microsoft seems to have contradicted or backpedaled on nearly eveything that they have said since the reveal. So, I cannot say that I trust anything at this point. Also, sony's silence is a little worrisome, but they should open their mouths in a week and a half.
I have found that all of this chatter and talk of new consoles is really helping me work through my backlog. I think that I may be excited over the possibilities of the next generation. Hopefully I will be able to finish the backlog before reality sinks in.
I rather enjoyed how Rainbow Six Vegas handled cover... so, you aren't listening to the rolling stones?
What if it is like that Neo Geo anniversary console thing. A new console that plays all of their old games... I would buy that instantly.
It probably has been far too long since I have played any of the games. I have been wanting to play them again for a couple months now.
I have been waiting so patiently for Kingdom Hearts 3. I gave up on all of the rehashes that they keep releasing. Frankly, I do not care about roxas or organization xiii. I just want sora, kairi, and riku.
This is why I am not the biggest fan of online multiplayer. So many dicks.
at the very least, they could have an insert that has the layout of the controls.
Panzer Dragoon Saga. I just want to play the game without spending hundreds of dollars.
As far as a game that I love, Journey to Silius.