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Super Step's Comments - Page 249

BaD 12

Posted on 02/19/2018 at 02:06 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Feh. Feh, I say!

BaD #12: Mega Twins

Posted on 02/19/2018 at 01:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Chiki Chiki Boys is one fantastic title. Is it pronounced "cheeky cheeky" or "chicky chicky" (like chicken)?

BaD 2018: Week 3 - Quick Hits: A Bunch Of Cars

Posted on 02/19/2018 at 01:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Wait, but ... Star Wars doesn't have cars. They should at least make them flying cars. 

BaD 2005

Posted on 02/19/2018 at 01:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Did they mail the demo with a magazine or just straight out mail out a demo? Where was the demo from? 

I remember as a kid I got a random VHS of Pokemon in the mail when the show was coming out. That's honestly my first memory of the franchise. That is one marketing tactic that works. Now though, it's probably cheaper to just trot something like that on YouTube. Loses that personal charm though. 

BaD 2005

Posted on 02/19/2018 at 01:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My memory is pretty decent as far as what games I've played, but as far as which exact year and whether they show up on Wikipedia is a different story. Also, I think I might have missed Eternal Darkness in these blogs, which is a huge oversight for me since that's one of the most memorable GCN games for me. 

BaD 2005

Posted on 02/19/2018 at 01:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The only one that let you smash things like that was Ultimate DestructionI, unless there was a sequel I'm forgetting/didn't play. 

The other Hulk game I remembered was for Gamecube, cel shaded and based on the Ang Lee movie. It involved stealth sections. I liked that one ok, but it wasn't near the pure joy Ultimate Destruction presented. 

BaD 2005

Posted on 02/19/2018 at 01:44 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I never even heard of this game. I guess I'll have to look it up. 

BaD 2005

Posted on 02/19/2018 at 01:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'd never even heard of the Clock Tower games and never played a Dragon Quest

BaD 2005

Posted on 02/19/2018 at 01:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I did know Capcom developed it actually. I thought they did a great job and I don't mind a handheld title being short. I honestly preferred having that challenge ramping up toward the end to the game being longer. I have not played Link's Awakening, but I want to.

I think I remember you mentioning that. That's cool! Personally, I don't really care for "make your own" stuff in video games all that much. I usually prefer to just play what the developers make. I'd be more open to it as an adult though, so I may check that out.

Psychonauts is another one I still need to get through. I  can't stand the Phantom of the Opera level I'm currently stuck in. I'm hoping the game picks back up from there, because the level soured me on the game quite a bit after I was having such a great time with it. 

Yeah, Canvas Curse was praised for actually taking advantage of the DS, but I can see how that could be annoying. 

BaD 2005

Posted on 02/19/2018 at 01:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I am unfamiliar with this Junkie XL ... 

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