That is a fucking awesome idea you did for shelving, very creative. I wish I could pull something like that off but knowing my ass I would cut a hand or finger off,lol!
That is a fucking awesome idea you did for shelving, very creative. I wish I could pull something like that off but knowing my ass I would cut a hand or finger off,lol!
Im still buying on launch, Ive been waiting for this for the last 2 years now. Ive hoped next gen would come and now that it here I still feel a lil ugh about it but Im still excited no less. There will be enough games to keep me busy and not to mention Ill still have my ps3 so Ill be playing on that too.
I dont know if you shop at Gamestop but they have each Resistance title used and buying them each separately is below 40. Of course if you plan to play them online then I understand buying them new because if I remember correctly they all have passes. Kane and Lynch ill prolly solo for the most part unless me and the bf play it together through the story. So Im not to worried about how it does multiplayer wise but thank you for heads up on that!
I know I cant believe speculation prices but Im gonna hope the PS4 isnt too much.
Yes, you def should. It is a really good game but I understand he backlog issue. I really need to take a beat one buy one stance but I havent yet,lol!
I think you will really like Resistance 3. I loved it for the story alone and you see Joseph change during his journey. I hope to read your review for it once you finish it. I plan to re beat all 3 and review each one.
No prob, when I saw the site and looked around some I thought everyone might wanna see what some of the really well known publishers and developers are up to. I however feel that each one on this list will prolly be announcing and bringing more to E3 this year, their just trying to keep it hidden till its starts.
While I would celebrate I jsut feel like I cant trust next gen news at the moment. I see too much crap every now that its difficult for me to feel trustworthy toward it. I however do hope that the list is true, then I wont be mad about the remake,lol
If you really like her...go for it! Dont sit and let something good pass you by. Its not about where you live an what you make. Its about spending time together even if its gaming at each others house. I would hate to see you miss out on something great :(
Thats what Im expecting their doing. I would be okay and let this go if and only if they added a female counterpart to the game like 2 and 3 have. I highly doubt they will though so im not gonna give it any attention. Im ready for Fable 4 to be announced, I wanna continue the heroine line.
Im soo excited for this, Im gonna get my 3DS bundle with the game! I only owe 66.90 on it left and Ill have that paid off thursday or friday. If you find your village burned down...yea that wasnt me....