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BrokenH's Comments - Page 252

Brokeh's late night moviehs!: SH Revelation

Posted on 06/15/2013 at 03:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, it urked me too,Blake. I brought that up as one of the bigger issues. Any SH fan worth their salt knows PH and the bubble-head nurses are James's. While there's a part of me that loves seeing them again the other part of me is like "No! No! No! You  shouldn't be here!". They could have been more creative and came up with some more Heather specific creatures. I would have liked that. (Though they did a decent job with the executioner & the mannequin-parts spider thing)

Ben breaks the Xbone! Angry rant ahead!

Posted on 06/15/2013 at 12:11 AM | Filed Under Blogs

At least right now they must love the smell of their own farts,mate. lol.

Thinking back on the week.

Posted on 06/15/2013 at 12:07 AM | Filed Under Blogs


Don't underestimate the dude bros. They may not be the sharpest tools in the shed but I doubt they're so retarded they cannot see that the Xbone is a sugar covered turd.


Yes, Ziff Davis. The company that shut 1up down in the first place. I don't have much love for those peeps but I'm glad I'm at Pixlbit now so maybe what happened was a blessing in disguise.

Ben breaks the Xbone! Angry rant ahead!

Posted on 06/15/2013 at 12:01 AM | Filed Under Blogs

There's a chance they'll change some of these restrictions or even most of them. To  have a fighting chance they will have to. Still, it will not erase my memory of what they tried selling us when the Xbone was first announced.

Personally I insist a console works properly even after it becomes "previous gen". Unless the Xbone gets a firmware update to make it work offline it's going to be the first gaming system in world history with a preordained death sentence. (Aka, when it's no longer supported online it becomes a useless plastic husk)

Lastly, Steam & GOG don't infringe upon us nearly as badly as microsoft's own services. We're all better off with retro consoles,pcs,Wii U, and the PS4. Microsoft needs to remove its' collective head from its' collective ass if the company is going to have any hope of turning this all around.

Thinking back on the week.

Posted on 06/14/2013 at 10:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I know I may come off as paranoid but I don't trust everything IGN reports anymore. Probably because I realize their one of the sites that had a smear campaign against Japanese games for the longest time. Sure, not every Japan game would get a terrible score but COD and MADDEN always got good scores despite their lack of innovation. Yet lo and behold, IGN certainly would rag on Jrpgs for being "Too samey". It's my hypothesis IGN is still somewhat in microsoft's and EA's pockets. (Okay,admittedly IGN has been a tad more "fair" lately. I'll give em that much! lol.)

Updates and Buys Vol 6.

Posted on 06/14/2013 at 10:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Finally,werewolves as enemies! Thanks for listening, Santa Monica! I'm so "tired" of zombies!

Thinking back on the week.

Posted on 06/14/2013 at 10:12 PM | Filed Under Blogs


We've already done the right thing by making microsoft rethink its' idiotic greed inspired bullshit. I'm very proud of gamers as a collective right now. Go us!

Thinking back on the week.

Posted on 06/14/2013 at 10:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs


I'm glad so many gamers are giving microsoft the finger. It gives me hope for our future. And yes, Churchill was the man!

offfbbeaattthursddayy! Just something to do!

Posted on 06/14/2013 at 09:46 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The part about "living underground out of the reach of our overseers" really resonated with me. Good stuff,Lar!

Ben breaks the Xbone! Angry rant ahead!

Posted on 06/14/2013 at 09:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't see why they couldn't make a 360 version. I mean the game looks rather awesome but not beyond what is current gen. I think MS was wanting us to make a mass exodus to their new console though. To which I say "Thanks bro,but no thanks.".

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