Thank you! And sweet, what's your PSN id? (assuming you have it on that)
And not all new Weezer is bad, I really like the Red Album.
Thank you! The Great Gig is my favorite song on what is now one of my favorite albums. It's one of those special albums I can listen to all day.
Thanks, and Weezer is now one of my favorite bands!
Thanks! And stop making me feel bad about that joke lol!
If your needs are just basic browsing and blog updating, then the chromebook line of laptops are excellent. Those run for pretty cheap albeit they cant run any programs other than chrome and some basic office software. Good luck on finding a new laptop!
Nah, for some reason I feel pokemon would be better off without without dlc, seeing how they already make a killing with the third edition of their games (yellow, crystal, emerald, platinum, b2/w2) and I don't want the Pokemon name to be tainted by corporate evil lol.
Sweet, man. A bunch of my friends play this and have been bugging me to get it for a while. Is this coming to steam or is it console only?
I always thought that those plush thinterim little cute characters were cool and I want to learn how to make those. Would those be considered crafts lol?
My first game was Spider-Man 2 for the Gameboy Advance. I think I was too young to remember wether it was a good game or not, but it was Spider-Man, and it was darn fun got play. I still remember seeing Spider-Man 2 in theaters like, 5 times. It's my favorite superhero movie.