The first one is the hardest. We went to a restaurant tonight that we used to meet my Dad at once a week for dinner. Hadn't eaten there since he passed. Guess it's progress.
The first one is the hardest. We went to a restaurant tonight that we used to meet my Dad at once a week for dinner. Hadn't eaten there since he passed. Guess it's progress.
It is pretty good. Lotta weed smoking and dick jokes in there. Not for the easily offended either. Jonah Hill is hysterical in it.
When my Dad was with us he was in fact a gamer. He played a lot of older games like Joust,Defender,Missile Command,and Pac Man. Never could get him to try newer stuff. He liked to watch me play shooters,as he liked guns and found it interesting. Hope you had a great day on Sunday.
I just got a new Gold card yesterday. I wondered what sort of games they were giving away. I better go download this before I go to sleep....sounds good!
While I have made up my mind I'm getting a PS4 I still know myself all too well. Even though I despise what Microsoft is doing I may cave eventually. I just think they have made a massive blunder. The almighty dollar is the only thing they understand,though. So perhaps the only way to get through to them is to deny them our dollars. Then some real changes may come to their approach.
Very cool! That's what it's all about. As happy as I was with my gift,I was more happy I didn't have to work on Sunday. Spending time with family is important.
I know how you feel,Tami. This day is always kinda bittersweet for me the past few years. Now with my brother moving back to Oklahoma it would have been nice. My Dad passed away a few years ago. He was a good one too,and I miss him.
We started playing it as soon as I got home today. It's gonna be one of those games I will ration myself on because I don't want it to end too quickly.
It's absolutely one of the best games I've played on PS3. Couldn't have received a better gift than that.
I'm a big fan of all things Pagan,seeing as how my wife is one. I like the sound of this. The intro to that first song kinda reminded me of Blackmore's Night in a way. Although they are by no means metal. More artsy fartsy Renaissance sort of music. The Pagan influence is very cool as I have not heard this type of metal very often. Really dig the artwork,too.