Thanks! I hope you can try out the game eventually.
Thanks! I hope you can try out the game eventually.
I wouldn't have noticed either if the remixer hadn't mentioned it. Just have to take his word for it, I guess. I just think it's crazy that all that stuff is actually in there.
It's an odd game for a song like this to come from but it's just so dang creepy!
Wow, you are behind But I'm glad you liked it!
I need to play Harmony of Despair. Always wanted to but have never gotten around to it.
Pretty much. It's wonderful or terrifying or something...
Thanks for the heads up. I have never bothered with PS Home but I am down with free games. I actually have a copy of Warhawk but having it on the go would be great. And those other games! I want those! Hopefully I won't space out about all this tomorrow and I can set up Home and get this stuff.
I'm not very good at stealth games, so I appreciated that Dishonored let you keep going even if you flubbed the stealth. Guess I'm not very sneaky. Yeah, I got the chaos ending
I downloaded Killzone: Mercenary but haven't started it yet. I also haven't seen a lot of the summer blockbusters from recent years. Still haven't seen Man of Steel, for instance. The Avengers, though, that's good stuff. Surprised you didn't make it through that one.
Welcome to Backloggery! It's a great site and while it has curbed my buying habits a little, it's been more useful for me in just keeping track of the games I have that I haven't played yet. So easy to forget about things. I still haven't put all my other games on there yet. It'll be nice to have it as a collection data base eventually.
Did you listen to the 1UP was probably Games Dammit...where they interviewed the director of the new X-COM? He talked about some of the differences between the original and the new one. Very interesting stuff.
My wife and I played through Borderlands 2 last year. That game is a lot of fun. I can't imagine the craziness of 4 player co-op