Yes, I most certainly would have. Telltale has done some great work.
It is nice to have options, but so many times it is impractical.
Yes, I most certainly would have. Telltale has done some great work.
It is nice to have options, but so many times it is impractical.
its a meme? whats a meme?
I just watch doctor who.
I did the stealthy, quiet good guy playthrough the first time. Then I said screw it, and killed everybody and was loud as can be. I had as much, if not more fun the second playthrough.
My brother(s) and i tend to play halo splitscreen. The nice thing is that we can still play online that way... which means that we do not know who is going to win right off the bat.
The slight problem that I had with goldeneye was that we knew who the better players were. That meant that they games always played out in a similar fashion. Adding the online players to splitscreen deathmatch changes everything.
I heard about the comments, but did not pay them much attention. I enjoyed the brief time that I spent with fez. "Fezzes are cool"
With the knife of dunwall dlc out, now may be the right time to replay dishonored. Wait, I need to beat bioshock infinite first.
I have been meaning to get the beginning collection. I feel bad that I have not spent all that much time with the first doctor.
i am currently in gaming mode, so bioshock.
they have tried and failed from what i understand. The eternity clock on the ps3 and pc.
I just started infinite last night. I will try to remember and come back when i finish.