Even with lube that smells like roses being "boned" in the ass without consent is still being raped. lol. No thanks microsoft. Even with the anal gel and reach around privilege I'm still not gonna take it!
Even with lube that smells like roses being "boned" in the ass without consent is still being raped. lol. No thanks microsoft. Even with the anal gel and reach around privilege I'm still not gonna take it!
Nope,he's just at Joystiq,Aaron. lol. Still, he's getting paid for being himself and that always makes me cringe. Normally I encourage people to be themselves but in Mackey's case I really want him to become someone else.
Totally,Julian. It's also odd Mackey had a history of liking anime and Jrpgs yet he would always give low scores and cynical remarks to those very same things. Bob definitely suffers from xenophobia. I keep wondering if he accidentely watched some really violent and gross hentai and it scarred him for life. lol. (Could have been Bible Black or Return Of The Overfiend)
As for Jim,it's kind of sad. Aka, I used to agree with him a lot more but ever so gradually he became more snarky,judgemental, and overly critical of the gaming industry. I still recall him insulting the guys who tried to do a kick-starter for Negative tropes versus males in gaming. I don't see what's wrong with that. Aka, if someone is going to address the negative tropes versus females argument isn't it fair to do it for guys too?
In Jim's defense, he seems to be a full-time satirist.(He's done entire articles writing the opposite of what he truly believes in. lol.) Mackey on the other hand actually concurs with what he himself writes 100%.
I remember this.(It's a vague memory though) Kinda liked it as a kid but then again I liked the Double Dragon movie too. lol. I wasn't as critical in my youth,that goes without saying!
You know my stance,Lar. I'll be sticking with my present consoles for at least a few more years. Later I'll be getting a better pc. So far I'm not impressed by the X-boner one's anti consumer/anti privacy/anti ownership/anti Mom & Pop store approach. Hopefully sony isn't as nuts!
I feel ya,Cary. I like to see myself "in the middle". Aka on most issues I'm non extremist. I kinda hate being tugged in either direction. Must we always choose a side or be seen as entirely wrong or unquestionably right? Not everything works in absolutes.
Good to see Morrigan again. So maybe this will be more like origins?
Sorry I originally spelled it "Ross",Julian. lol. "Rush" is simply an odd name for a person. Could work for a fast robot dog or speedy cybernetic cat though. lol.
But yeah, Mackey is a sensationalist and I've noticed Jim's fallen a bit into that mold himself. (Aka, they both talk down to the "common gamers" to get angry responses just so it can spark a site traffic flame war.)
I wouldn't even mind "friendly debating" but many of these kinds of journalists have a "If you disagree with us you are ignorant shits!" mentality.
I feel ya. Aka,excitement with simultaneous fear. lol. I'm sure I'll see some games that tempt me but I want to stand strong and not budge. Microsoft needs to make changes and if sony is also on board with all these "anti-consumer/anti Mom & Pop store practices" I'll be keeping it old school & pc from this point onward. (Hoping I'm wrong though! E3 please,turn this cynic into a believer!)
Can anything less than a miracle make The Simpsons funny again?