I will,Adam! Gonna milk the psp nostalgia train as long as I can,oh yeah!
I will,Adam! Gonna milk the psp nostalgia train as long as I can,oh yeah!
GodEater and 3rd Birthday are very different. However, at least control wise it was easy for me to master the button set-ups of both games. I beat 3rd Birthday on "normal' and I don't consider myself that great at games with gun play & cover. In other words, the game doesn't seem unreasonable. (If you're unsure you can also play it on easy)
However, there were parts I died often simply because in some instances if you do not destroy certain walls and continue to advance, enemies will keep respawning.
Additionally the DNA board used to level up Aya's powers is confusing but no more so than God Eater's super complex bullet creation system. (And luckily there are tutorials for both)
I'm not buying "The One" so at least I will not be part of the problem. My fear is that survelliance equipment might be put into new pcs as well though. I mean if they can do it with game consoles I don't see why they would not try to be "sneaky" with other appliances/devices as well.
Being watched is bad enough but it's getting to the point corporate run prisons want stupid laws passed just so they can have a steady influx of inmates. (Aka,more inmates=more funding) Could you imagine being arrested because you were in you home masturbating to porn or tried to spice up your love-life with your spouse by trying something "kinky"?? Will "private indecency" become the new crime?
Glad you & the wife safely moved,sorry you've been overworked! Maybe now the dust can settle,mate!
This could be awesome! I'm hoping they allow the option for a female character even though that wasn't in the original Fable.
This seems like a game that would be dear to my heart yet I'd never quite finish it. It's difficult for me to invest 60+ hours into an rpg like I used to. Regardless, glad you were able to like Ni No Kuni despite its' flaws!
This blog,so many good memories! Ironically, I don't think I ever played a Star Wars game I didn't like.
There was a movie but rumors indicate it wasn't that good. Who knows,maybe Madonna would have made a better film than the original. lol. Guess we'll never know.
Ha! Ha! Ha! And she was so pale,Chris. Would have been funny if she eventually got sun burned. Luckily we were spared the "Apply lotion/skin ointment now" quick time event that would have been included if PE2 had been made during this console generation.
Joking aside, I've actually enjoyed 3rd Birthday. Kinda surprised by just how much I'm enjoying it.
Me & the psp are a match made in heaven. Dave was generous to fork his psp over to me. I was surprised in a good way!