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BrokenH's Comments - Page 267

Primal Eyes: Ben talks about all things Aya Brea!

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 04:32 PM | Filed Under Blogs

PE is worth a download or buy. There's also the incentive to play through it multiple times. PE 2 is the same way!

Retro Game of the Week: Castlevania Legends

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 03:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I really wish Sonia had been given more love. As you stated, Igarashi did not even count this game as canon. I dunno, the thought of a female Belmont gets me tingly and excited in all the right ways. Heck, there could even be a tragic romance story motif between a female Belmont and Dracula himself. (Doomed lovers forced to fight)

PS: Guess we have different views on Sonia and Iga's statement. Still,this was an interesting read. Thanks for that!

The "PC"ing of our gaming consoles has begun

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 02:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think we can agree we want the Xbox one to play games and have a varied library of them to choose from.I just hope the ease up on their anti-used-games crusade and make the Xbox one function even when it's offline. (Noone wants a plastic paperweight later on when said console is no longer supported online thus becomes a lifeless husk)

I actually was more akin to yourself towards the beginning of this gen. Aka, my pc wasn't used for most of my gaming. That changed slightly once I started dealing with Steam & GOG. (And I learned many games I liked did in fact have controller support.)

Also, consoles are still a cheaper alternative for many of us. Top of the line pcs can be ridiculously expensive. (Though in my case I simply want a "good pc". It doesn't have to be one on the cutting edge.)

Regardless, this was an awesome well thought out blog,Nsonic. Thanks for the fantastic read!

God of War: Ascension

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 02:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Calling any game "complete trash" is an extreme accusation. Such words should be used with care. From an outsider perspective this GOW entry looks fun,fluid,and grandiose which in all honesty are the important things for me. The only bitch-fest I see with some merit is the extreme difficulty spike near the end. I can imagine the fight with the three medusas would wear on my patience too. But hey, many good games have that "one part" that drives us all utterly insane. lol.

I really enjoyed my time with GOW 1 & 2 and I imagine I'd like this one too. (Though Kratos isn't exactly endearing himself to me as a likable character,heh.)

Thoughts on Odin Sphere

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 02:34 PM | Filed Under Blogs

With Odin Sphere I would have been happy if it would have been a faster paced beat em up in which each character still leveled up akin to an rpg. What stumped me was the item system. Aka, having to plant seeds to grow resources and beyond that even having to mix certain herbs & items to create various other do-hickies. I would have been happier if monsters would have dropped healing or magic restore potions once in awhile. (As well as coins,rare armor,and rare weapons) Also, certain key mystic artifacts needed to progress through the game were overpriced at merchant booths. (Aka, the ones that gave you fire resistance or cold resistance) Still, Odin's Sphere is a beautiful and awesome game! (Even with its' budget restraints)

The "PC"ing of our gaming consoles has begun

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 02:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't mind consoles being more like pcs in some ways. Heck, I welcome it! I'm also not against multiple applications. What I am against is online only functionality,a war on used games, and even fees to play used games. However, I'm hoping microsoft will contemplate changing these negatives in the future. They still have time to learn from constructive criticism. (At least I hope)

Beyond that though, why shouldn't I simply buy a decent pc instead? Like it or not, the consoles themselves will still be inferior to most actual pcs so I rather have a device that can play games and do many other tasks as well. I'm not even talking about netflix,youtube, or i-tunes. (You can use those both on a console or a pc) But a pc can also run art programs, save written documents,manage my account,be used to schedule important events on my calender,help me pay bills online, and run rpgmaker.

Once I can do everything on a console I can do on a pc "then" I'll be more happy. But  that will not be for awhile. Also, microsoft really does need to get its' head out of its' ass. The Xbox one has the potential to be a great "one in all entertainment system" but they need to address what's wrong with it thus far.

I really enjoyed this console generation and the ones before it but this "bold new frontier" might not be for me pesonally. To everyone else? Enjoy! (But don't let the big companies & publishers walk on your rights as a consumer)

God eater burst: Closing thoughts

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 02:02 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I got that feeling too. God-Eater is challenging but it never felt unforgiving. I also would not have been as invested if it lacked a good story-line. Namco has a real gem of a franchise here and I hope to see more footage of God-Eater 2 soon. So far I'm hypothesizing it will stay in Japan, but Vita owners might get lucky. I hope my pessimism gets proven wrong! What's neat is apparentely there's even going to be a psp version of God Eater 2. Some of the new Aragami look wicked cool,btw!

Lastly, the AI partners really are life savers. It's also nice most of them have their own back stories and motivations. Aka, they don't fall into "desposable drone" territory. lol.

God eater burst: Closing thoughts

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 01:55 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It'll give you hours of entertainment. Be prepared though,Nsonic. Some of the battles towards the end will test your mettle! (But they aren't too bad if you have decent gear)

New additions and what I been playing

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 01:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I can tolerate bad voice acting but it's only because I grew up with RE 1's Jill Sandwich jokes and Tidus's really awkward laughter sequences. lol.

One thing I don't understand about Other M is being forced to become stationary (unmoving) when going into the fps viewer mode. I can forgive Other M for other things but when game-play is effected I have to say something.

Primal Eyes: Ben talks about all things Aya Brea!

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 12:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I feel ya,man. I lost touch with all my friends from college too. It's kinda cool the girl you knew looked like Aya. I wonder if she ever cosplayed as her. lol.

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