I love wayforward. Bloodrayne and aliens infestation. Plus the group that left wayforward to make yacht club games, and shovel knight.
I love wayforward. Bloodrayne and aliens infestation. Plus the group that left wayforward to make yacht club games, and shovel knight.
that is sweet
I actually never played duck tales, but i am excited. Now I have a reason to go and play it, right now.
jak and daxter games are great.
i love this story. I think that this story is whstart realized how awesome Dave mckean's artwork really is.
My wife always had videogames around when she was growing up. She is not really a gamer, but she does love mario kart... come on nintendo announce mario kart U.
I love the snes for the platformers. Games like yoshi's island, the donkey kong country trilogy, super metroid, super mario all-stars, castlevania iv, contra iii, earthworn jim, aladdin, mega man x, and whatever else i am forgetting.
I also backed project eternity and the banner saga.
I did not know who he was until mid 2012. He is working on the third book in his kingkiller chronicles. I finished the first book, the name of the wind, a couple of months ago. It was amazing.