I don't think I can remember a year in my video gaming history where I was actually frustrated by how many games I wanted to play. Like, there's so many. I literally am not sure I will have time to complete all the wants I want to.
Which is why, while I'm still debating it, I might put Horizon on Story mode again, so I can cruise through. The only thing is, I also set Wolfenstein on the easiest setting after getting fed up with a certain boss (though I may have switched back to normal for the moonbase level) and felt like I hadn't REALLY experienced the game, because it did make it a bit TOO easy. And I love the satisfaction from finally figuring out how to take down a Corruptor-level machine in Horizon, but I just ... don't know if I have the time. I wish the elemental arrows and such did a bit more than they actually do, cause I'll go in with what I feel is the right equipment, and still feel some of this stuff is a bit of a grind. But then, I can just complete the story and leave the mechanically satisfying stuff for later?
I'm also wanting to get back to Yakuza 0, because while Horizon is a fun challenge, Yakuza 0 is just FUN. And also frustrating when it comes to certain boss fights, but something about that game's setting and all the minigames and the characters grips me in a way Horizon doesn't necessarily. But Horizon's story just got interesting too. Just .. ugh.
Not to mention, I also want to finish both Gravity Rush games I bought on sale, Crash Bandicoot Trilogy, maybe buy Tekken 7 for half-off, buy Nier Automata and Night in the Woods at some point, maybe What Remains of Edith Finch, and now Dragon Ball Fighter Z is coming out and I really want to support Arc Systems ... it's just too much, man.
But then, Julian is right about buying games new. I think Horizon may be the only game I bought full price, and that's a shame, because a lot of stuff I bought on sale is stuff I like even more. But I did buy Horizon: Zero Dawn not being COMPLETELY sold on it knowing it would signal that new IPs can still be profitable, and if there's something I'll take a chance on, it's a new IP with robot dinosaurs.
As for digital games, I hate to say it, because this is the same lazy-ass argument for TVs not having physical buttons (which actually does really annoy me when I can't find the remote), but ... damn do I hate having to switch discs to play certain games. I seriously wind up playing Sonic Mania or Shovel Knight Treasure Trove not because I want exactly that right that second ... but because I don't feel like getting up and moving two feet to switch out Crash Bandicoot and Yakuza 0. And aside from the fact my PS4 does load discs onto the system WAY faster than digital downloads, you're right that the physical stuff just isn't enticing as a value proposition unless you plan to resell or trade ... and at a certain point I have to be honest about what a hoarder I am when it comes to physical copies of video games.
What I would like is to buy a physical copy of a game and ALSO have it digitally available once the disc is bought. I resent Sony telling me I can't own Arkham Knight because I don't "own" it when the disc is right there, and if movies allow you to own it three ways after buying them once, by Odin I want my games doing the same!
I do still hate the premise of "always-online" though.