I can definitely understand that. Or they could have made a completely new series. That's probably what they would do nowadays. I just think it'll be neat to watch. It's too bad the movie is out of print or whatever.
I can definitely understand that. Or they could have made a completely new series. That's probably what they would do nowadays. I just think it'll be neat to watch. It's too bad the movie is out of print or whatever.
I might get this on Steam when it goes on sale. Maybe this time I'll actually finish it. I'm glad your enjoying it though Pete. From what I've read it sounds like they put some care into this remaster of a remake or WTF it is lol.
All that guy did was complain about the graphics, controls and camera. It's an upscaled port of an old school RE game. What did he expect?
I sent you a friend request on there. I usually don't get online on Steam, but feel free to send me messages or whatever.
So basically it's Brutal Skyrim with that blood mod? I got one of those Mount and Blade games for free off GOG. I haven't played it yet though.
I don't know if the old cartoon holds up that well since it's been forever. I didn't realize there was a more modern cartoon either.
Oh I believe it. That's kind of why I want to see it. That and the 80's metal soundtrack. It's hard to believe that they killed off a bunch of characters just to make room for new toys. There were probably a lot of heart broken kids.
Yeah. The sound in the SNES games was what impressed me. I liked how you can play as Luke, Leia, Chewie, and Han too. Chewie's spin move was ridiculous.
I hope this game does well so they will remaster / remake RE2 and RE3. Code Veronica would be nice too. Although those would probably take way more work.
Me and my brother just now beat that Spider boss. It's gonna take us a while to get through this game. I figured you would like it since you seem to love Borderlands. It's all about the loot!