I'm glad to see Fatal Frame II made the list man! I'm actually doing a Let's Play of that right now on my YouTube channel!
Also; where's the rest of you playing Dark Souls Wrong?
I've been waiting...
I'm glad to see Fatal Frame II made the list man! I'm actually doing a Let's Play of that right now on my YouTube channel!
Also; where's the rest of you playing Dark Souls Wrong?
I've been waiting...
I spent a countless amount of quarters on the House of the Dead arcade machines whenever I was younger... Great games, lots of nostalgia!
You were dead-on with the difficulty spikes Ben. I hate to admit it, but I played through MOST of the game on Normal, only to be forced into turning it onto Easy because I was becoming overly-frustrated towards the last few boss battles.
I did enjoy the game though, even if the camera allowed the enemies to land a LOT of cheap shots on me.
I loved this album back in the day!
Speaking of 'back in the day'....
I think I was in 7th grade when this came out..
I'm not really into FPS's as much as I used to be, but damn does that game look good. I'm definitely considering picking it up at some point!
Rule 7.
I wouldn't have even given candy to a kid who made fun of my Chargers jersey, while proceeding to empty an entire bag worth of candy for his friend. I won't let a child make fun of my Boltz without tasting some vengeance. lol
Well if you ponder through my channel, you'll see that I'm working on a very special Halloween Themed playthrough of a certain horror game
I have yet to play any of the Xcom games, but I still want to try them out at some point. The concept is intriguing to me
I liked the DMC reboot myself. However, I thought it was extremely short (8 hours?). There are a few different modes you can play though to extend the game life though!
I never saw the original, but I did catch the remake. I enjoyed the remake, especially the revenge part. So coldly calculated..