Well Vanilla Ice "did" come up with "Go ninja,Go ninja,go!" Maybe he should have his own game where he's a pop star shinobi fighting in dem mean streets!
Well Vanilla Ice "did" come up with "Go ninja,Go ninja,go!" Maybe he should have his own game where he's a pop star shinobi fighting in dem mean streets!
Ice cream vanilla I can live with! lol.
That's true! Though games don't become collectibles for a long time. lol.
I did bro,terrible TERRIBLE! I didn't use the online pass though. I might give this away as a gift if anyone actually is interested. I will say the first area was mostly fun but the climbing mechanics kinda suck. Also, Ryu really doesn't kill in cold blood. I'm sure if some nice bloke put down his weapon and surrendered, Ryu would spare him. Sure, Ryu would knock out the guy to play it safe, but he wouldn't gut him on the spot. Aka, I can see why NG fans were kind of pissed off with the first version of NG3.
If I killed someone it would be myself. lol. I should have been more careful,Matt. That's what it mainly boils down to.
It was my fault,Adam. I should have double checked just to be sure what was going on with amazon. Of course had Tecmo/Koei not rushed out NG3 in the first place and gave it their all to begin with I wouldn't be having this issue now.
At least Razor's Edge is only 39.99. Aka, they're not trying to charge full price for it. Besides, on average Tecmo/Koei give me decent games with plenty of replayability. I'm not going to completely forsake them over one dud!
My bad, Chris. I really wanted to play it with you too. As crazy as it sounds, I'll probably get Razor's Edge next month. It's one of those games I've wanted awhile and despite people saying other games are in fact better, I "do" at least know what I like!
I would play NG 3 just to get my money's worth but frankly I don't want Ryu's story spoiled for me.
Ah, sorry I misread something. Derp! It happens with me sometimes. I'm getting senile. lol. One of the reasons I hesitated getting SCV was the smaller character roster and even less of a storyline. I read somewhere that most of the new characters aren't even given their own plots.
The hair bow is beautiful,bro! You one fine sexeh (looks lower) cannibal? Damn you aussies! You are so weird!
Hopefully I will not get stuck there too,Chris. lol. Ugh, I have a feeling this game is going to beat my ass.