Bahaha that's fine. Thanks man!
Bahaha that's fine. Thanks man!
It's ok. Even if you just click the link for page views? It sounds stupid, but it helps :). And I love the shit out of you you sexy minx.
I love you and you're metallic goodness! Thanks!
Hush you. We answered your fucking question, show some respect :p
Oh no! Maybe try downloading it? I love you Lee! In a straight, guy I know over the internet friendly way.
Assassin's Creed 4 surprised me too. I thought I'd hate it after playing 3, but damn it's good.
Yeah, I heard the album today and that's why I made the article. Damn good find!
Dug Old Mans Child! It was the only one there I didn't know, but still good picks. It's been far too long since I listened to Rotting Christ. Like... 3 years? I was still in High school. Damn.
Yes it does help dipshit :p
Yeah, there are levels in this that are direct homages to Diablo 2 and Titan Quest, although it's got plenty of unique gameplay features. I mean there's no gold, everything is done on a bartering system. You give items in exchange for other items. The skills are done through skill gems, not levelling, although the skill gems can be levelled up, and there are leagues, which change the rules of the game if you get bored.