I wish the Secret World was on PS3....
I wish the Secret World was on PS3....
Funny. I just happened to get Mirror's Edge for free off PSN during that PS Experiance.
I can see why the game didn't sell so well. it is a different perspective of play. Probably would be better with some VR goggles. perspects are hard to consider when you parkore and wall jump/attack.
No excuses! You rolled a King's Quest II so you get a King's Quest II! have you know honor? have you no shame! Honor the roll!!!! Respect the bones!
Ack! I missed it! Hope their wasn't any Colin Baker ones in there. I tried the link you send me of one audio play he was in awhile back but I'm sorry it didn't do anything for me.
I've been meaning to get that Beat.Trip game since I saw they released that series as a compliation on a disc for the Wii. I have the momeory space for it digitially but I'd like having most of those games on a disc at a reduced price.
I still need to play Portal 2 myself but still debating if I should get teh game physically since it came out that way or digitally so it can go along with my digital copy I got off XBLA.
I think it's time to listen to Disney's Elsa (and forgive me if the phrase has been overused too much these past few months) when it cxomes to Half Life 2: let it go, let it go....
A pity there is no mention of Halo 4 here. *flees*
I've yet to play that game. too bad bad memories of bully's back in my time. One day perhaps, one day....
I tried to play Far Cry Classic but I think the framerate is off. I keep getting motion sickness whenever I play it like when I try to play Wolfenstein 3D. I usually don't get that with most FPS's.
I'm in the same boat as you with Burial at Sea but I'm still trying to work my way thru the main game itself. So far I've avoided spoilers thus far.
That's just unholy....=P
I'd go for that preorder but after seeing how RE:CV X HD turned out I'm kinda leery. Sure hianv the game for both the PS3/PS4 and the theme is nice but I don't want a game that don't look the best it can be upon release.
I don't get it.
I see MThreeGA Man. Confused...