I don't know if you could call it a novelty song. Sure there's comedy in it, but it's also a bit to personal to be a novelty song IMO.
I don't know if you could call it a novelty song. Sure there's comedy in it, but it's also a bit to personal to be a novelty song IMO.
It comes out on the fourth, but it leaked already. I've been listening to it for two days. Still a day one purchase for me. I grew up with Eminem, and I buy all of his albums, even the shit ones.
And good I don't think many other people wilkl get that joke lol.
Lol, no jump scares here!
Thanks man! Yep, I definitely see that, like a metroid style game.
Thanks man but my halloween was yesterday :p
Thanks Ben! I thought the start bit could be used in a game menu lol.
Well... that's awesome.
What is reason like? FL is pretty awesome. The basic plugins aren't amazing, but there are plenty of free ones that sound decent! Oh, and thanks.
Already spent a fair bit of money, was thinking of doing a blog about which games to buy, but eh, I've put out two today as is. People will get sick of me! That and I already own it lol.