The orca watches sound amazing, it's one thing I didn't think about till now. Whenever I think about moving to WA I think about searching for lighthouses, and hiking around Olympic National Park. Now that you mentioned orca watches happen up there it'll have to be a must for me when I move out there.
Watching Blackfish made me sad and angry. I didn't know any of Tilikum's story going into it so it was all fresh. As heartbreaking as Blackfish was to watch I learned a lot about how big their brains are, how they can experience intense emotions, and how important the pods/socialization/solidarity are to orcas. I'm stunned and fascinated by how intelligent and social they are, it's like nothing else I've ever seen or heard of before. In the documentary The Whale about the orca Luna off the coast of Vancouver Island one of the filmakers was mentioning how there's some people who look to outer space hoping to find intelligent life and have a transcendent experience with a unique being, but he felt those feelings and got that experience here on Earth by being close to Luna and socializing with him.
I think it's generally super interesting to study intelligence in creatures whether it's humans, felines, apes, etc, but learning about orcas is something on a different level. Saying they're like humans seems kind of cruel because they seem a little nicer than us lol, but I think you'd understand what I mean. It's almost like coming across a human-like alien, like a human in the sea. Similar to us in a lot of ways yet completely alien. Ancient and evolving in their own ways with their own awareness, feelings, families, and diversity. Gosh they're an infinitely fascinating and mind blowing evolution of life; orcas are something amazing.