That's fewer side quests Mr. writer sir. :P
That's fewer side quests Mr. writer sir. :P
Love me some Animal Crossing. Unfortunately I get addicted to some of the games to the point where I am in there running errands etc. all the time.
I've been using it for a few weeks now and I love it. It's comfortable and fast with a great screen. I just took it with me to Cali and I'm still finding out things. Fun! Now if I can only figure out this MacBook Pro my new employer gave me I'll be all set. I should be getting an iPhone 8 from them next week.
Not my choice but then I'm not paying for it.
and I bought Yonder the other day. I am so weak. :)
As far as I know your horse will not fast travel with you. You have to go back to where you left the horse and ride it to your destination. I remember that you can have up to 5 horses (! think). So you can leave them parked in different places. Once I got Epona I stopped riding the other horses.
I haven't either. I put the card in, downloaded the extra stuff and promptly started playing Syberia.
and after you talking about Yonder I almost bought that too. I probably will at some point. We're a bad influence on each other. LOL
I almost bought the Knob Creek Single Barrel but something about the Elijah Craig made me pick it instead. Maybe next time Knob Creek, maybe next time.
All the best of the season to you too. Still working on Xenoblade Chronicles 2 at the moment. Went back and played some Yooka Laylee this time for PS4.
I'm hoping I don't get sick because I need to fly to LA on January 2nd as part of my new job. Nothing like spending an entire day travelling when you're coughing up a lung.