If I recall correctly, my friend at the time was disappointed also. Am I wrong in saying everyone just wanted a 3D version of Pokemon Red/Blue at the time. I'm glad they made this though
If I recall correctly, my friend at the time was disappointed also. Am I wrong in saying everyone just wanted a 3D version of Pokemon Red/Blue at the time. I'm glad they made this though
Nice list! I've played Motorstorm Apocalyse and FF8 from what you mention. I agree with you regarding FF8. While the junction system was certainly different than FF7 say, I wouldn't say it was any better/worse.I had a great time with FF8.
While i'm enjoying GT6, I think Motorstorm Apocalypse is my favourite racer this gen. Absolute mayhem onscreen! Online was great aswell.
So 15 games......... 5000 hours? That's a lot of RPGs!
Yeah good idea Nicole. Motivational messages are great when trying to get through the work week. Even if mentally, all they're really motivating me to do is move away from my current job and to something i'll actually enjoy
Wow. Blast from the past. I had forgotten all about this game but from what I recall, I had a good time with it. I think I actually finished it. Just one of those games that's enjoyable while not necessarily being memorable I guess
Shit. Sorry to hear about the love interest. Life sucks sometimes man. Hope you don't take it to much to heart.
And there always next year for BaD!
Yeah that last boss in Guacamelee was a real doozy. I beat him eventually but not until after many a rage moment. No shame in letting it go I reckon if you got what you wanted out of it.
Hope you like XCOM. Be prepared to lose a lot of good men and women is all i'll say
Nice haul indeed. My only current preorder is the FFX HD Remaster. Very excited!
I'm always amazed at what some people are able to come up with. Definitely a lot of talented people out there