This man gets a promotion! Shark frogs with lasers? Genius!
This man gets a promotion! Shark frogs with lasers? Genius!
Turnstile has a little "Metal" in their axe riffs and I like it!
Alice Cooper is balls to the wall brilliant! I'm surprised by the recent naval lasers too but as you've already mentioned, it's neat we've gotten this far! I always saw "laser weapons" as limited to sci-fi movies until now. (Though yes,medical lasers have been around awhile.)
Lastly I second sharks with laser beams on their heads! Heck, put them on dolphins too!
I gotta say I prefer how Shannon is addressing the problems for real women in gaming. To me that's more progressive and important than "the unflattering depictions" of fictional female characters.
By the way, I wouldn't be surprised if microsoft began taking the organs of people late on their payments...or simply because there was a sign-in clerical error. lol.
It's all good,Chris. lol. I wanted to stay on longer then I did but by 8:30-ish something came up forcing me into the "responsible adult" position.
At least you opt for being a good dad first. That's how it should be!
Glad you like the new art of Liam. I actually tried a few new techniques on it so it's great you noticed the shading!
Same with me. I had to come up with a new pass-word and both me and my friend had to sign in, prove our authenticity, and fork over our phone numbers. Shit be frustrating,yo!
Though hiring good voice actors must get expensive, I do appreciate it when main protagonists have an actual personality.
As much as I loved Half-Life 2, I never felt a connection to Gordon. While I cared about what happened to Alyx I didn't give a damn about the mute guy I was playing as.
Still, I think Issac was handled a bit better in Dead Space. Though he was mute in the first game, I actually ended up liking the sod and felt really bad for him!
Limited funds,aye? I've been there. lol. Usually towards the end of the month I'm tapped out. Any left over money I have mostly goes to my electric bill on account its' payment schedule shuffles around.
Weird Al and Cypress hill are cornerstones I grew up with as well. I've been a freak and a geek forever!
Don't worry Chris. I'm not holding you to anything in a devil's contract. lol. If it happens it will and if not, we'll reschedule. No big! lol.