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Super Step's Comments - Page 312

Minecraft Megadeath

Posted on 06/30/2017 at 01:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks. I was trying to think of all the standout tracks on different Megadeth stuff. Craft in Mine is meant to be "Hook in Mouth," but I'm least proud of that and "Craft in Peace" because eh. I threw a couple actual Megadeth songs in there for effect both times. 

As for Bullprick, I mean it's not like Minecraft has cows having sex in it, right? Wonder why they didn't just have bulls roaming around. Maybe the Minecraft world is like Themyscira for cows?

Minecraft Megadeath

Posted on 06/30/2017 at 01:17 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I Mined you to death

Mining is my business ... And mining is good

In My Craftiest Hour

Craft in Mine

Craft in Peace

Mine 18

Countdown to Crafting

Symphony of Destruction

Lucretia: Super Duper Graphics Pack Edition

Crafts of War

A Tout Le Minecraft Servers

Ride the Mining ( think he gets wiring credit for RTL)

New Minecraft Content and Phantom Dust

Posted on 06/29/2017 at 11:44 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I hate having to dig for non-PS4 PS+ free games, myself. I don't care if I don't own PS3 or Vita yet. I want them.

Xcom Blues

Posted on 06/29/2017 at 11:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Andromeda is finally being sent to me via gamefly. I want a switch too. Same as far as steam sale. 

NWP Spoils The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Posted on 06/29/2017 at 09:00 PM | Filed Under Feature

Hot damn. That's enough time for me to beat Horizon, I think. 

Electronics, Entertainment and Expository Presentations

Posted on 06/29/2017 at 08:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

4K would be on my radar if I felt the prices were reasonable, but my last trip to Best Buy pretty much told me to go fuck myself and shit down my own peasant throat. 

Arms seems like one of those games that will get Let's Played to death and will never interest me in even that realm. I do want a Switch though. I really like the concept of having a console on the go and Mario and Zelda are enough to intrigue me. 

As for Spider-Man, I'd honestly say even 2 was just kinda decent, but all of the Spidey games have been what I consider fun, flawed rental titles. I still want to get it partly because of my love for Insomniac though. A love based in nothing substantive other than I had lunch with their PR team in 2014 and they were super cool.

NWP Spoils The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Posted on 06/28/2017 at 10:27 PM | Filed Under Feature

I don't know that I care about Breath of the Wild "strategies" or non-story "secrets," but I'm interested enough in discovering things on my own if I ever buy a Switch that I'll probably skip this. Plus, despite there not being much story, I still want to remain as in the dark as possible on what's there. 

I'll listen to the Last of Us podcast instead. 

I still feel that Rocksteady's Batman was always kind of a psychopath and the Joker serum made him go overboard, by the way. Tongue Out

When is the next regular NWP scheduled? I forget when the Chrono Chrossing and Stage Select entries were due. I already got mine in though, I think.

I beat an FPS and Spartan Race

Posted on 06/28/2017 at 06:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The one I did was a baby beginner one. No Mud or anything, just burpees, obstacles, stairs (lots and lots of bearcrawling or running up and down stairs) and other random challenges no one really passed ( the alternative was more burpees). My running partner and I helped each other out a few times splitting burpees duty. Lol

If you can get it, that's one FPS I actually enjoy playing, which is rare for me.

Blake's June Update

Posted on 06/28/2017 at 06:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have had two cigarettes in my life, but I haven't had any more because I know I'd get addicted for the reason you describe.

Must be cool seeing your area represented in a game. I still want a virtual Dallas.

I met the Insomniac PR team in L.A. when they were working on Sunset Overdrive. I never did pick that or an Xbone up, but I have Ratchet and Clank And plan to get spider man.

June Update

Posted on 06/28/2017 at 06:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Glad you're better and it's cool you're streaming. In my case, I just want to have a nice internet connection.

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