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Super Step's Comments - Page 313

Massive Yooka Laylee Update is live (For PC at least)

Posted on 06/27/2017 at 05:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

"Improved Rampo boss fight"

Now that would have helped my PS4 rental experience ...

I genuinely hope they are able to release a much more polished/finished version of the game for PS4 as well, so I can play it. The article made it sound like they're only thinking of the Switch version for console right now though. 

The SNES Classic is Coming! + Nintendo Rantings

Posted on 06/27/2017 at 05:17 PM | Filed Under Blogs

While $81 for 21 games is obviously significantly worse as a deal numbers wise than the NES Mini ... I do kinda want an SNES Mini, even if none of the games, besides Star Fox 2, reallly stick out to me as games I'm surprised by or need that system for, since emulation is a thing. But I kind of want a physical version of the system I spent my 4-6 years old playing. 

I'm a bit ticked at Sony for not allowing cross-play on their consoles. Plus, then I could play with Nintendo fans on here. There are XBO friends I really want to play with. Ugh. 

I can understand being bitter about the Wii U. I was certainly bitter when RE4 ceased being a Gamecube exclusive and people swore it was first released on PS2. I loved my Gamecube, but was not a fan of some of the market responses to it. 

GameStop or another store may give you credit toward a Switch iof you trade in your Wii U?

Minecraft Megadeath

Posted on 06/26/2017 at 11:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My Dread and the Fugitive Mine

Tornado of Crafts


Craft Sells... But who's mining?

Holy Wars ... The Endering Due


Chris Goes To Hawaii, Plays Games On A Plane

Posted on 06/26/2017 at 08:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Funny that while you were in Hawaii, everyone and myself and my mother (and father) were checking out Moana on Netflix, or so my facebook would make it seem. lol

Weird, creepy short guy should have been given a staredown. Or he's like me and doesn't realize he's staring while he's really just drifting off and looking at nothing in particular. 

Yooka Failing

Posted on 06/26/2017 at 08:26 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Maybe, but I've played DK64 recently, and it wasn't near as bad near as early on in the game. 

Enchantment Quest

Posted on 06/26/2017 at 08:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

She bought a book of them from Hastings a while before they went bankrupt. If you're curious, you can find what those lesson plans are supposed to be, I'm sure. I'm not sure how many she actually used. I know she's used Minecraft in her classes, but I'm not sure how exactly.  

Refusing to Climb Mount Backlog (It Doesn't Exist)

Posted on 06/26/2017 at 08:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm not knocking sales, especially the ones that have games I already want. I'm knocking my dumb, knee-jerk response to them. 

I don't necessarily experience most media of any sort beyond entertainment, unless it's a very specific, gripping work. I still felt I was in a game in TLoU, but REVII nearly gave me a heart attack in a way movies just can't do. But then, nothing can get me inside a character's head as well as a book, and movies/TV have been my favorite visual medium for a while. They're great because they are easy to experience, but sometimes cause you to think about hard subjects. 

Basically, I really don't see any medium as "better" than another, but different with different strengths. Honestly, if there's one medium that speaks to me more than any other, it's music, which I realize is part of most of those other mediums. 

Refusing to Climb Mount Backlog (It Doesn't Exist)

Posted on 06/26/2017 at 08:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs


Refusing to Climb Mount Backlog (It Doesn't Exist)

Posted on 06/26/2017 at 08:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Or demonic dragon. 

Refusing to Climb Mount Backlog (It Doesn't Exist)

Posted on 06/25/2017 at 10:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My anti-reflux diet calls buckshot. 

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