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Super Step's Comments - Page 315

Yooka Failing

Posted on 06/25/2017 at 12:24 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Sounds like a private thing and not something you have to tell me here or via PM if you don't want, but how are you dependent? Sounds like you're out and about with work and school. I'm techincally dependent on my parents for housing at the moment, even though I needn't be. Just makes loan payments easier when rent payments don't exist.

Yooka Laylee definitely feels like an old 3D platformer game made by Rare, so you'll get what you're looking for that way. I just rage quite at a certain point, because the  camera kept messing up and the slippery controls weren't helping.

Yooka Failing

Posted on 06/24/2017 at 09:30 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I forgot SK was a kickstarter game. Damn, yacht club! You fancy!

I'm sure Nintendo's input help, but it seems they know what to do on their own, and just need kinks ironed out. Using a free engine may have been the problem, but that's impressive what unity can do, despite my problems with the game. 

Now I'm wanting to know more about game development.

Yooka Failing

Posted on 06/24/2017 at 08:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I can understand their decision. It's not a "broken" game, but the kinks frustrated me too much to stick with it when I have so much else to get to.

Why is it these Kickstarter games keep having these problems, I wonder? Is it the fans expect too much for too little time and/or money or is it the developers being too ambitious?

I finally finished The Last of Us

Posted on 06/24/2017 at 08:44 PM | Filed Under Blogs

To be honest, as someone who's never been a huge fan of stealth sections, I didn't mind cover shooting. I actually love the new Tomb Raider games that have plenty. Everything else though, I more or less agree and can get burnt out on cover shooting, but don't dislike it as a rule. 

Yooka Failing

Posted on 06/24/2017 at 07:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I thought that after you typed it, but I did just finish a game set in the pacific northwest. Lol

I finally finished The Last of Us

Posted on 06/24/2017 at 07:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I also thought it was just ok, but wasn't a fan of certain clicker sections. Sometimes they were refreshing, but oftentimes I just got annoyed by how sensitive they were to noise. Sometimes it was super-tense and sometimes it Just irritated me after too many tries. I think it was a great attempt at what they were going for though; that can't be an easy thing to balance.

I got through in in about a week, I think, and it definitely dragged in parts. It's good to have that much game, but some parts were more interesting than others, for sure. Sometimes though, I can't tell if I'm annoyed because the game is losing luster or it's really more that I'm annoyed because I'm merely trying to knock this narrative-driven game off mount backlog. I think TLoU did enough to hold my attention, but remember certain sections being too long. 

As for the ending, I'm not sure I'd have made the same choice. You're given a similar one in Life is Strange, and I chose the opposite. In fairness, there are some key differences in the latter that push you that direction, so it's not the exact same thing; just the same general concept.

Honestly, as mixed as my opinions are on this game, I want togo back and play New Game + now. First, I'm going to finish Horizon though. I want to finish that before DLC comes in fall. It was my most anticipated game of this year and I barely touched it.

Yooka Failing

Posted on 06/24/2017 at 06:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

All the way Northwest? I thought you lived in Arizona.

Yooka Failing

Posted on 06/24/2017 at 06:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That makes sense if you're an RPG fan, which I am not. I would like to try Persona 5 though. It does look cool, but I'll probably send it back after being turned off by the turn- based combat, as per usual.

Which Valley?

Yooka Failing

Posted on 06/24/2017 at 06:01 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I watched my neighbors play Banjo Kazooie and was never that interested in it. I honestly think I'd still like DK64 better, if for no other reason than the voices weren't as grating. 

Even as an 8-year-old, that with voice drove me mad.

God Wars Future Past and Minecraft

Posted on 06/24/2017 at 12:37 AM | Filed Under Blogs

You always seem to be sucking the life ut of one particular game. I might go. Back to doing the same after this exellent  of playing life is strange. Chapter eh 1st

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