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Super Step's Comments - Page 321

Special: E3 2017: X Goin' Give it to Ya

Posted on 06/12/2017 at 05:57 PM | Filed Under Feature

Forza 7  looks awesome. The Porsche 9-11 thing seemed a bit out of place ...

I was surprised how underwhelmed I was by Crackdown 3. It just looked ... eh. 

Sea of Thieves had a way-too-long trailer. It just didn't appeal top me. Also, same thing for me being a single-player gamer; it just doesn't look like something I'd play often. 

There was too little of that guitar side-scroller for me to have much of a reaction. 

Julian, I believe you are thinking of The Last Night, which stood out to me as well:

Super Lucky's Tale look cute and charming. Nothing incredible, but nice to see those things for variety.

Arc System Works is doing the DBZ game, so I'm hyped, despite not being a DBZ fan. I thought it looked like something they would do. 

AC: Origins was a standout to me graphically, but didn't look like anything new gameplay-wise. Still, since I've never played it before, I'd be cool with checking it out as my entry to the series.Illuminati ... Of course, Patrick mentioned this. Of course he did. I don't care if it's part of the game's lore. Patrick WOULD ... Egypt is a cool place to set a game though. 

Not really into the iPhone model, myself. Not into the idea of upgrading such a substantial piece of hardware so often. 

I'm surprised you didn't mention Anthem or Ori. Those were highlights of Microsoft's conference for me, along with B/C ... even though those are ones I skipped the first time because the conference was dragging for me around the 30 minutes to go mark. You mentioned Anthem during the EA part, but I don't remember you talking about it in the Xbox section? Or maybe I'm on drugs. Allergy meds are more powerful than I thought. 

I'm going to say Bethesda starts about 00:47:00 in. Off to watch some trailers.

Special: E3 2017: X Goin' Give it to Ya

Posted on 06/12/2017 at 03:17 PM | Filed Under Feature

I'm actually kind of stoked for Madden story mode, if only because Mahershala Ali is in it, from the picture I saw. That, and it looks like college might be integrated ... which I'd be more excited about if they had that for basketball, since my alma mater (SFASU) has appeared during March Madness recently. Oh well.

I didn't watch the EA conference live (I just went to the IGN trailer page before listening to this again), so I missed the YouTuber thing, but have you seen Bill Nye Saves the World? They had some white, female rapper in that doing correspondence work, and it felt so ... pandering. 

Honestly, your mention of Need for Speed looking like Burnout is why I decided to check some trailers before coming back to this podcast. The trailer looks awesome. My one hope: Please, PLEASE let me play as the cops, unlike in the otherwise addictive 2015 edition. 

A Way Out might be good, or terrible, for me to play with my older brother. However, as someone who mainly sticks to single player, I am probably not going to get it; especially not at full price. This reminds me, I need to play my copy of Brothers

Battlefront II  looks awesome, but did they show single-player mode? If so, that is a HUGE improvement in my opinion. I still regret even my $10 purchase of the most recent release though, so I'm ... skeptical. It's good they have people giving them feedback and free DLC for sure though. Having all eras in there is good, too. 

0:00:00 to about 0:14:10 is the timestamp for EA stuff. I'm going to watch the rest of the Xbox presser and come back here. 

Microsoft Shows a lot at E3, but is it Enough?

Posted on 06/12/2017 at 02:05 PM | Filed Under News

I can't believe you're saying that, either. Sony has had my attention exclusively this generation, until Switch can ... ok, I see what you're saying. I'm interested in seeing what they have to show as well. lol 

Microsoft Shows a lot at E3, but is it Enough?

Posted on 06/12/2017 at 12:12 AM | Filed Under News

To be honest, I liked Ori and Anthem, but nothing at the conference made me feel the need to go buy an Xbox One. I'm also not sure naming it X was a good idea either, as it smacks of Wii U naming conventions. 

I'm most excited for Xbox BC to be honest. I've never owned an Xbox, so having access to their entire library would be great. 

I’m Done with Minecraft. Bring on RiME.

Posted on 06/11/2017 at 11:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, I get what you mean now about the aesthetic and feel of it. I was thinking purely in terms of gameplay mechanics earlier.

I beat an FPS and Spartan Race

Posted on 06/11/2017 at 11:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm pretty much done with it, so I'm sending it back tomorrow. 

Good luck with everything!

RiME Done, But Not Done

Posted on 06/11/2017 at 11:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Sounds like a great game.

I beat an FPS and Spartan Race

Posted on 06/11/2017 at 04:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, I was telling my brother I did about as well as at one 5k in Dallas: in the top third, but at the bottom of that top third.

My blood test actually showed my testosterone was higher than normal, which may have been due to that Pantera CD in my car.

I played the demo for Life is Strange, but I'm excited to play the whole thing.

I’m Done with Minecraft. Bring on RiME.

Posted on 06/11/2017 at 02:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs


I think Journey and ICO are pretty different, since I doubt ICO only lasts an hour and is almost on rails, but I think I understand what you mean. 


Posted on 06/11/2017 at 02:34 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I definitely just aim to beat the game as soon as possible the first time around. All the extra stuff is, to me, just that. Extra. 

I love cel-shaded graphics.

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