Woohoo is right motherfucker.
Woohoo is right motherfucker.
Thanks... why do I always miss your comments? Seriously, I'll reply to every comment, come back and read them later and then realise that I skipped over your comments. Sorry!
When you get minecraft... say goodbye to your time, you won't see it for a while.
Really want to get a vita, but there just doesn't seem like many worthwhile games on the system. I mean there's Persona IV... and that's about it for me in terms of exclusives.
Thinking about jumping into FFIV since everyone is raving about it... combat seems pretty meh though, i.e. the same as every other MMORPG.
Janelle Monae seems interesting. Might have to look her up.
Damn sucks about your ceiling. Depends, what consoles do you own, and do you own a pc?
Midnight club 3 was pretty awesome.
My favourite open world game is skate 3 because of how fun it is to get around and how everything in the map related to the gameplay. I must have spent hours on just free roaming.
Anyway, great blog!
I am glad they introduced a slider. As much as I dig the art style (and I really do think it's awesome) watching videos of it did make me feel a touch ill. Well, I might get into this game! Great preview Matt!
I think it's fine. It allows players to get in early and even contribute to the games development for a cheaper price than they would at launch.
Also... I've been wondering about getting betrayer, so I'm going to go look at that preview NOW!!!!!!!!!!!