never thought how hard drawing hands could be. never got into it despite some interst long ao. i think I was scared off by the nudes.
never thought how hard drawing hands could be. never got into it despite some interst long ao. i think I was scared off by the nudes.
i just realized I need a copy of this game to join in. too bad but yeah! more videos!
Fatal Frame series.
What! stop looking at me like that!
jaut the same I'm unplugging the sysyem, like I do with all my systems, just to be sure. that is IF I get it that is. still unsure about playing games naked in front of it. what! it gets hot during the summer in my house....
nice win. only free tshirt I won wqs that namco contest on 1up long ago. i wore that shirt to death.
i wonder if it's their version of steam/origin for PC use that involves sega titles both past and present. after all we were suppose to see PSO2 be released out here this spring....
Yet another reminder that I need to get the Y's game series on the PSP quick before those go away. looks like my kind of rpg to add to my collection. i can't believe they put a SOTN reference! that has to be the american ver. don't recall the japanese script was that corny.
now why can't we have THIS in Videogames Live! getting my copy right now!
it never occured to my to even considered using the gamepad for that kind of use. Looks like I need to reconsider a Wii U sooner than I thought.
where was this when I was on my late night drives back out on the east coast. never heard of this before and nsonic79 like...