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Chunopo's Comments - Page 34

My Art Work pt:1

Posted on 05/17/2013 at 06:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks very much! I did do work as an illustrator for a short time and even did a job in fashion would you believe but I evtually settled on becoming an art teacher, regular income certainly helps.... well at least until I find a job is Australia!

My Art Work pt:1

Posted on 05/17/2013 at 11:02 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks man, I need to get some more stuff up there. Unfortunately I can't take credit for the Mario kart one, the images in that box are works from other guys that I added to my favourites. That was done by a lad who calls himself 'thechamba'. He's done some epic pieces, you can see more from him on the link below.

My Art Work pt:1

Posted on 05/17/2013 at 11:00 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It is incredibly time consuming isn't it! At school and University i really didn't appreciate the huge amount of time I had to do all of this, I was too busy watching girls and getting to know a life long friend... beer!

Time for a Change: Evolving E3 Through Technology

Posted on 05/17/2013 at 10:58 AM | Filed Under Feature

Remember when you were a kid and you'd get those 'party bags' when you left someone else's birthday, little things like sweets and figurines, I'm getting warm feelings inside imagining my Mii presenting this to me on my 3DS or Wii U (if I eventually get one). That level of interaction is a great idea Julian! it would also offer more incentive for peole to attend E3, like the ambassador project, hell they did it with Zelda's four swords so free stuff isn't out of question!

Google Glass: Distraction made simple!

Posted on 05/17/2013 at 08:55 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I was going to call star trek but you beat me to it! still nothing is as crazy as what the japanese have in store:

Apple are soooooooooo last year!

OCR Spotlight: Magnet Missiles

Posted on 05/17/2013 at 08:49 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Sounds like the kind of music they play at the end of Japanese anime shows like Naruto or Bleach!

Random bits and such

Posted on 05/17/2013 at 08:46 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I admire the dedication, I dare not look at my back log of PS2 games, it would add a seemingly endless load onto a somewhat already impossible feat!

Gamertag to Face

Posted on 05/17/2013 at 08:43 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I can't decide whats cuter, the kitten of the baby, either way it's great that so many are doing the gamer tag to face!

April NPD: The WiiU is Bleeding, The Vita Is Dead, And What It All Means

Posted on 05/17/2013 at 07:27 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Unfortunately I think you ve hit quite a few nails on the head here, I do want a Vita but nothing is swaying me to forking out so much for one, their approach to memory cards for example just feel like tea bagging the consumer and they have a serious lack of titles that I consider to be must have. If they started releasing PS2 classics I might still get one but it will still take a lit of development work. Consoles are going to need to be a bit more like PC's in that they can be upgraded I think, but I ve no idea how they'd make that work (that or people will just move into PC gaming completly/ Apple etc will hit a fully functional entertainment system with controller) I think  ironically that this could be the most open the market has ever been!

NES Quiz for iPhone

Posted on 05/17/2013 at 12:07 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I used to think I was a SNES guru, until I tried stuff like this! it certainly seperates the men from the boys..... and I think it's the only area in life that I am still classed as a boy!

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