A handheld gaming device can be your life-saver during long boring trips. Glad you're enjoying FFF7!
A handheld gaming device can be your life-saver during long boring trips. Glad you're enjoying FFF7!
Lego games?! This stuff 4 kids! Just kidding. I love the Star-wars lego game. lol
Borderlands 2 looks great but I'm worried about buying it prematurely right before the GOTY edition with all the dlc is announced. lol. That sorta happened to me with Borderlands 1.
Makoto and Sophita 4 the win! You have good tastes,Baron!
Happy Easter,Celt! I loved the first two Bioshocks though I did think they ran a bit on the short side. That's quite the bunny there. Watch out for the sharp pointy teeth!
I'm still waiting for Onechanbara Kagura. Yeah, I know! Never happening! I wouldn't say I'm knowledgable in all things suda 51 but I do want to get Lollipop Chainsaw eventually.
Happy easter,luv! That's how the Brits say it,yes? I'm not actually British but I am watching a Doctor Who marathon. lol.
Our tastes are very much in synch,mate. lol. I do need to eventually create a list of more hawt "western" gamer girls though. I noticed this gathering is rather Japanese-centric so to speak.
I used to feel pretty guilty for liking Lilith but considering that started when I was a teen myself and even adult women can be a bit flat chested I wear it with pride!
Moxxi is hawt too. Granted, I would not want to be one of her husbands but I wouldn't mind being one of her lovers!
As for Danger Girl, you're right. It does deserve at least one great game to its' name. It's the equivalent of female James Bond after all!
These are good choices, especially Raven,Garnet, and Lianshi. By the way, you're welcomed any time! Talking about sexy girls is open for debate to everyone!
Thanks for stopping by,Nicole!