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Super Step's Comments - Page 337

Favourite Nintendo Franchise?

Posted on 04/29/2017 at 10:48 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Zelda has the most different gameplay elements inside of each game and is consistently good. 

I love F-Zero, Star Fox, etc., but they're pretty much aiming at one genre/niche, whereas Zelda games have more of an open feel (yes, even outside Breath of the Wild; just because you have to tackle dungeons in a certain order doesn't mean there wasn't an open world around those dungeons in every game). 

Episode 111: My Face is Tired

Posted on 04/28/2017 at 11:31 PM | Filed Under Feature

Ok. I knew you were reworking the site. J

P$4 and Ghost In The Shell

Posted on 04/27/2017 at 05:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

So I just got done watching the original series on hulu. 

I posted my thoughts to facebook:


Ok, so while the new Ghost in the Shell still has more going for it than Rotten Tomatoes is willing to admit, watching the original again reminds me it really is quite a bit better.

The Puppet Master is a more interesting villain, the questions about how we define humanity and sentience are more interesting than some of the philosophical questions brought up in the new movie, and while the presentation of the new movie is much more slick, I have to give it to the effectively creepy direction of the original.

I still like both, but I can see why big fans of the original may have been let down. I'd recommend watching GitS on hulu. Now onto the sequels and TV show."

Still really dig the new movie and plan to own it, regardless of what I consider a somewhat overblown controversy (still think Batou and the Major look white as hell, but can't blame folks who are tired of not seeing Asian-Americans represented on-screen), but I will admit the original is better.

Episode 111: My Face is Tired

Posted on 04/27/2017 at 03:46 PM | Filed Under Feature

Also, Nick, is there a fix for the spacing between paragraphs when you edit a comment? I'm a little self-conscious about how much space my comments take up as it is ... lol

Episode 111: My Face is Tired

Posted on 04/27/2017 at 03:41 PM | Filed Under Feature

We agree on Capcom, Julian. At least there's that. 

I dig The Last Guardian, but it has its issues with controls. It's still a damn cool experience and I'm happy with it as a Christmas gift.

I need to get farther into Bloodborne to really judge FromSoftware, but honestly right now they're one of my least favorite developers; not because of them, but because of their fans. Angelo referenced why a bit with the Dark Souls comparisons to games whose mechanics predate that series, but I just despise the focus on difficulty as its own end people seem to have come to embrace. I'm not going to say that's fair until I get farther into Bloodborne and really learn how to play it, but I definitely have a negative bias toward that company because of their annoying "look at my ePeen" fanbase.

What you guys say about Bethesda is partly why I avoid RPGs in general, honestly. I really just feel like they are too damn long. (Irony of me saying that in this comment is noted).

Gex reference ... nice! 

I honestly like Nintendo #1, then the other 2 are the first that popped in my head. And that's based on all-time. I honestly might appreciate Capcom more now ... Also, are you reading my non-TLDR arguments? Thanks, man! Only wish you'd have mentioned me meeting Insomniac, cause it's my one claim to video game fame lol. 

I can agree that the main Zelda mechanics are similar, but you can't say Majora's Mask added nothing new. I loved the masks and hated the time thing.

Oh, man ... I cannot wait for all the hate Julian's going to get for saying Bungie isn't great with character designs, but I agree so much.  

I love the 3 hours of NWP, but it is a lot to take in. haha Thank God you use time stamps. 

Stage Select:

Hideo Kojima because he'll add visual storytelling, which I appreciate in games; Tim Schafer because he'll come up with a really cool, strange concept for the story and gameplay; Shigeru Miyamoto because he'll ensure the quality and make sure gameplay is FUN (he's here to balance out Schafer); and um ... ummmm .... Ron Gilbert can help make the dialogue be engaging and funny ... and ... hmm ... Gunpei Yokoi can handle the non-linear progression you do in the game. 

It's a, um ... action-adventure game of some kind. So this is either going to blow everyone away or make everyone realize, once again, why you don't really want what you think you want when it comes to putting that many talents and egos in one room; or the game never comes out at all because of that second part.

Chrono Cross:

Well certainly not Chrono Trigger, that's for damn sure. Tongue Out I'm kidding, that's one older JRPG I actually have some interest in playing. 

Mega Man 7 was my introduction to the mainline Mega Man series outside of X, and I loved the presentation as well as the characters Bass and Treble. I still love the giant, colorful sprites in that game and it's probably the first thing that pops in my head for what I wish I was looking at when I see greyed-out warzone shooters today. Thank goodness Horizon: Zero Dawn brought some color back into mainstream gaming (not saying other series haven't, but I really notice it with Horizon). 

I enjoyed the cutscenes in that one as well, though it is annoying you can't skip the opening one if I recall correctly. It's a really good example of Capcom's skill with presentation, though I know some will argue it's not their favorite. Does anyone remember Mega Man Soccer, by the way? I remember that being fun. 

Guardians, Civ Rev, Blood Wake, Skylanders

Posted on 04/27/2017 at 12:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Team Undead has cool designs. 

Episode 111: My Face is Tired

Posted on 04/27/2017 at 11:59 AM | Filed Under Feature

FLUDD was my favorite thing about the game; I loved being able to float after a jump and some of the mechanics it added like the water rocket. I disagree with the claim it was porrly executed.

I'm glad someone agrees. lol

Episode 111: My Face is Tired

Posted on 04/27/2017 at 11:56 AM | Filed Under Feature

I'm being tongue-in-cheek when I argue Sunshine is objectively better (in bold underlined letters) than 64. I definitely think 64 has a lot going for it, but I had kind of the reaction to it you did to Sunshine. It's definitely good, but it's my least favorite of the mainline Mario games I've played. It just doesn't interest me as much as the other ones, and I had played other 3D platformers that took from it by the time I played it. It's a bit like people seeing the new Ghost in the Shell movie but haven't seen the anime feeling like they're seeing nothing new because The Matrix and Blade Runner exist. I personally loved the movie, but I have less experience than the general public with live-action sci-fi. I enjoyed the original anime as well.

As for BioWare games, I can get past menus if there are other things going for it (I hate pausing my game to look at maps in Metroid or add items in Castlevania, but I like the gameplay enough to overlook it). I'll just have to try one and see.

Episode 111: My Face is Tired

Posted on 04/26/2017 at 05:00 PM | Filed Under Feature

Technically, Metroid Prime was developed by Retro Studios, so Austin, TX gets to take the credit for that one. TEXAS. YEEEAAAHHH. 

Also, the rest of you can f* off; Mario Sunshine is great and so is the execution. It is better than Super Mario 64. I'm not letting this go. I've played them both recently. It IS a great game, and everyone else is blinded by N64 nostalgia. 

I didn't know anything about the Square Enix merger until now, but I definitely noticed FF games having such awesome graphics. I would rent games like that just because the presentation drew me in. So in their defense, from a marketing perspective, that shit works ... no way I'd have rented it knowing what the gameplay was like if the music and visuals weren't as good. And yeah, the Kingdom Hearts titles are ... interesting.

KOTOR might make me like RPGs too? Who knew? Perhaps Scooby Doo? Did any of you? Vaginal excrement. 

Goosebumps choose your own adventure books just pissed me off ...

On the one hand, I understand wanting to talk to party members (legit appeals to me), and I'll even say I think my new Tomb Raider games experiences are different/better because I read the extra stuff. On the other hand, being stopped to go through menus or talk to a bunch of townfolk sometimes irritates the living crap out of me in RPGs, or when I only figure out later I've missed part of the experience or made my character traits go too far in one direction. Stop asking me to predict the future and look at so much text and math! I get enough academia at work!

Awwww man, I still need to try Kirby Canvas Curse.  I have Super Mario 64 DS as well (no, my previous comments are not based on that control stick-less version), but I too ended up playing more things that took advantage of the DS. Using one screen as a map is still my favorite feature. I hate having to pause ... Metroidvanias. Tongue Out

Time stamping myself at 1:01:36. My office hours just ended. Thanks for making them go by faster and I'll be back. 

Quick Hits: The Saturday Steelbook Release With A Couple Of Glitches

Posted on 04/26/2017 at 03:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Not your fault he intentionally made the thing sound closer to a regular guitar than a bass. 

I remember when I first realized the opening notes of "For Whom The Bell Tolls" were actually done on bass. It sounds like a lead guitar part!

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