Yep, yer right but for every You can tell everybody there must be an equal and corresponding this is your song. I think it's a law or something. :)
Yep, yer right but for every You can tell everybody there must be an equal and corresponding this is your song. I think it's a law or something. :)
I had no idea this game existed Kat, because I certainly would have owned it if I did.
Yep, you can wish us both a hippo birdie since we were both born on the same day, just a couple of decades apart. :)
Listening to the Aloe Blacc song. For some reason I keep thinking of this Elton John song. I know Reggie doesn't have copyright on "and you can tell everybody" but he should. LOL
I was thinking of throwing my support behind them too. If we don't support this kind of game we are doomed to a world of Call of Duty clones.
I actually just looked this up on Steam and it's only 10 bucks. Sorely tempted if only for the surreal artwork.
I'v said before that I do not play games that have human on human violence particularly when that violence is carried out against innocents. Yes I will shoot criminals, kill evil sorcerers or insane clowns if it's part of a story but that's about it.
I do think that in war we see our enemies as an evil that needs to be wiped out and we don't think about the fact that they are also humans with friends and families.
Generally what Joe said, we are desensitized to "the enemy" by all manner of media.
The already make 'em. They ship from Japan though. It They already have SD cards with 128 GB. It won't be long until there are tiny micro SD cards of that size
I remember in the 80's when Bill Gates said no one would ever fill a 20 Megabyte hard drive and the things were huge and heavy.
In the 90's I had a debate with one of my colleagues who asserted that there would never be 1 TB drives for personal computers because our Mainframe had 2 TB of storage and consumers would never need that much space.
Progress. Gotta love it.
Having a download cap makes me cautious of having to redownload games unless I really have to.
It would be nice if the Vita came with 64 GB internal or even 16 for that matter. They managed to do it for the PSP Go, why not the Vita?