Posted on 10/24/2017 at 06:53 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
Scariest media, lots of things by H.P. Lovecraft. Hard to pick one but I'll go with At the Mountains of Madness.
Something that scared me IRL. I'm not sure whether I was scared or just freaked out but the other week I'm coming home from work on one of the two lane back roads I take. Speed limit is 80 kph.
I came up behind this tractor trailer who was barely doing the limit so I went to pass him on the left. As soon as I make my move he starts pulling over into the left lane to block me. I brake and pull back behind him but he's slowed down to about 50 kph so I figure he's planning to turn or something so I attempt to pass him again.
Once again he starts to pull over to the left so that he is half in the left lane and half in the right. No way for me to get by.
Don't know what his deal was but he kept this up for about 15 minutes, only moving back into the right lane when there was traffic coming the other way.
Finally he turned off to a road on the right. I was pretty shaken up that's for sure.
Best combination of horror and comedy - The Evil Dead movies of course.