Just so you know, I'm not trying to belittle you. You're opinion is perfectly valid, and I'm enjoying this discussion. With that out of the way...
I don't know why women aren't as catered to as men. I guess it's because leaving a well established audience to reach out to a new one scares them. It could be because our medium is so entrenched in things like violence and boobs that breaking away from that could be seen as difficult.
As for The Avengers? While Scarlette Johanson was wearing skimpy outfits, that just fit her character. Other female characters wore normal clothes and weren't merely objects. In Dragon's Quest, the reviewer doesn't have a problem with the massive busts or little clothing, because as she says, it's an over the top fantasy world and the clothing is justified by the context (paraphrased, but eh). Her problem is more with the way female NPC's are portrayed. They are objects either to be rescued or ogled. They are weak, and they have a lot less characterisation than the males. They are for all intents and purposes rewards for the players, not actual people. At least from what I've seen anyway.