Can't I just enjoy some titties?! Why do you have to rain on my parade, Blake? What have "I" ever done to you?! Coming in here with all this debating nonsense! Bah! (Just kidding,heh!)
Joking aside, the game looks great to me personally. No, I haven't played it but I have just played RE 6 recently and frankly TombRaider seems far more immersive with its' environments and big set piece moments. (At least as far as lay-out and visual appeal are concerned)
No it's not entirely realistic (Lara gets proficient at being a bad ass at a ridiculously fast pace after killing her first assailant) but I do like seeing a more human side of the character.
I suppose if you're a challenge junky and you like every game to be "Dark Souls hard" this might be too easy. However, I don't always play a game to get my ass kicked. I'm not as "spry and quick" as I used to be during my nes days when being hit once meant certain doom.
I will agree Tombraider isn't doing anything "original" then again duh, it's a long running franchise. Even with this being a reboot they still wanted it to be an action platformer with 3rd person shooter elements. Naturally, those things don't exactly reinvent the wheel. (And probably were not meant to in the first place)
However, I do think Tombraider does its' genre extremely well. Whether or not you preferred the more unforgiving platforming segments of Tombraiders gone by is more of a personal preference.
As for Lara being a sex object? Yeah, you can see her that way (she's a beautiful woman in her athletic prime) but I also think she has enough depth and humanity to be a well rounded female protagonist to boot.
Not trying to be an ass or anything. Besides, you've played the game and I haven't so all my info is an outsider looking in perspective! Aka, at least for now you win by default! lol.