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gigantor21's Comments - Page 37

Growing Away From Fighting Games

Posted on 07/07/2013 at 02:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Hardcore FG players tend to overrate the old fighters WAY too much. They'll constantly harp on the new fighters' problems while glossing over the glaring imbalances and bugs that the classics bring. The prescription on their nostalgia glasses is super strong.

I don't have a problem with people liking the older fighters. It's just when they use it as an excuse to be elitist fuckwits that pisses me off. They do the same thing with Smash Bros.; many people don't even consider it to be a real fighting game at all. SMH.

Growing Away From Fighting Games

Posted on 07/07/2013 at 02:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh, God, I HATE when people do that online. It's either noxious bullshit like that, or the rather empty experience of playing it with just game audio. The latter feels like you're just playing against really advanced AI...until they send you a nasty message telling you to get a life. Ugh.

Growing Away From Fighting Games

Posted on 07/07/2013 at 02:26 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The amount of variety within the genre is a double edged sword for me. On the one hand, it keeps things fresh and interesting, but it also makes it a lot harder to get the most out of multiple different games.

For me, I've always been better at 3D games but like 2D games more. FML. XD 

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14: Masters Historic Edition Review

Posted on 07/02/2013 at 06:02 PM | Filed Under Review

Nothing springs to mind, but I'm sure it couldn't be the first example. Especially in this day and age.

Also, fuck putting F2P tactics in a full-price console game. That they still do it in the deluxe version is even more odious. Why can't they just leave well enough alone?

Microsoft aftermath: Why I'm not ashamed I was mad.

Posted on 07/01/2013 at 05:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Pretty much. MS wasn't offering nearly enough to make up for what I stood to lose. No amount of spin would've changed that.

Super Smash Bros. (Wii U/3DS) Preview

Posted on 06/29/2013 at 07:09 PM | Filed Under Preview

I actually like seeing off-the-wall choices like the Wii Fit Trainer and Villager. It's fun seeing how well they actually fit into the combat system. Having characters like Mega Man is cool too, though.

Can't wait to find out more.

Top 5 Things People Need to Stop Doing.

Posted on 06/27/2013 at 03:59 PM | Filed Under Blogs

" 'I remember back when games were different, and unique!' You mean when every game was either a brawler, a platformer, or a shmup, and they all had exactly the same mechanics? Sit down and shut up."

This. So much this. It's like 90% of the actual output on older consoles have been erased from the internet's memory or something. Hell, even the games I loved as a kid had their problems--Capcom was FAR more egregious with recycled assets in their fighters than Activision is with Call of Duty, for instance.

THIS Was The Glorious "Family Share" Plan? Wow.

Posted on 06/25/2013 at 06:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Steam is the main reason I don't have a big problem with digital distribution on principle. I don't mind not having physical copy at the right price on PC, where it's always been more restrictive anyway. I doubt I'm even old enough to remember when there was a used PC game market. 

And even in that context, you still see stuff at full price for a while outside of sales. Black Ops II is still $60; Fable III is still $50 despite coming out two years ago. Deadpool literally came out on Steam TODAY and it's still cheaper; you can get the 360 version of Fable III for $6 at Gamestop.

Publishers really need to take the same pricing route that we see with Deadpool and Anarchy Reigns. People aren't going to be more willing to put up $60 a game once we go all digital. I know I would've bought a lot more games new--hell, in general--if more games started at $40 or something.

As for Kinect...we'll just have to see. Nintendo is emphasizing the WiiU's gamepad, and Sony's new Eye camera isn't a standard pack in, so MS has to carry the burden to prove it's worth before third-parties do more with it. What they can do, I have no idea.

THIS Was The Glorious "Family Share" Plan? Wow.

Posted on 06/25/2013 at 10:27 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I do remember what it was like playing PS1 games before the Dualshock came out. Those dual analog sticks were a godsend for 3D platformers and shooters (although a mouse and keyboard is still the best for the latter). It was something that, once I tried it, made me wonder why they didn't think of it to begin with. I was in elementary school when the first DualShock came out, so I wasn't really following gaming news online the way I do now. I've never heard about it being a problem before. :p

At my school, stuff like Quake, Tribes and Starcraft were pretty big back in the 90's/early 2000's. So I was happy to get online functionality on consoles. If we're talking about SegaNet, I begged my parents to put up money for me to connect after being able to borrow a friend's Dreamcast for a while. I was excited at the prospect of playing online on consoles years before the current gen started.

In those cases, those innovations served to enhance the experience ways that (for me anyway) were unambiguous. They either solved legitimate problems, or enhanced the experience in a way the old models couldn't. Kinect and the Wii have been around for a while, but neither has convinced me that motion controls are "the way of the future". I can't justify paying an extra $100 on a console for it.

There are plenty of things that the industry has pushed--full motion video, 3D screens, the PS Move, CD add-ons, weird ass peripherals like the Power Glove, and more--that simply never caught on, only become niche, or are just the backwash from fads. It's up to MS to prove that the Kinect doesn't fit into those categories, as they won't have the "separate add-on" excuse to deflect any questions or criticism. Not that it's a valid excuse when they've been pushing it so hard, but whatever.

The Xone's approach to handling games distribution, however, isn't some bold new innovation meant to enhance gaming. I only see a means a means of forcibly limiting people's options with physical copy to insulating the industry from market pressures, because MS was too pussy to either leave well enough alone or go all digital.

If MS and publsihers really want people to go digital, they can people to go that route on their own. They could implement the group sharing plan on digital copies only. They could lower prices on the digital copies, rather than charging full retail price and pocketing the difference--something that's pissed me off for years this gen. Instead of dumping all these restrictions on people's heads and telling them to suck it up or buy a 360, they could gradually pull people into going digital while still allowing the same options we have now on physical games. 

You really think limiting those options will HELP a game like Remember Me sell at $60? Because I can only see people becoming more gunshy about games they're iffy about without them. Without the added value those options bring to their purchases, more people will wait until the game is dirt cheap or simply not buy it at all. I don't see it being the boon you or other industry people make it out to be.

And there are whole genres that have a very justifiable reason to be online all the time. WoW and Final Fantasy Xi have been around for almost a decade. If it makes sense from gameplay standpoint, then people won't assume you're just pretending it's not DRM (i.e. SimCity). And there are still plenty of places around the world, including here in the States, where networks aren't fast or reliable enough to make constant connections justifiable.

But I do agree with you that digital is inevitable. I fully expect consoles to be digital-only devices in the gen after next. But we won't be ready for that for several years, and the way online services and digital content have worked this gen don't convince me the industry is ready yet either. Which made MS's "my way or the highway" push so ridiculous.

Episode 5: The Class of 1998

Posted on 06/23/2013 at 02:06 PM | Filed Under Feature

Tekken 3, Pokemon and Gran Turismo made it a great gaming year for me and my brother.

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