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Super Step's Comments - Page 365

Switch Friend Code

Posted on 03/04/2017 at 12:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

At least you got people on the phone. I go through a hellish menu just to get hung up on when i get to the "yes asshole, i need to speak to a human!!!!" part.

Switch Friend Code

Posted on 03/04/2017 at 10:41 AM | Filed Under Blogs

You can maybe thank the IRS not wanting to recognize me as a person for the fact I'm not giving you a friend code right now. Maybe ...

John Wick 2 & Logan: Watch them Or Die, Bub!

Posted on 03/04/2017 at 12:21 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I suck at mordor too by the way. About ready to give up on it.

Dumpster Diving Into Amazon: The Good, the Terrible, and Terribad

Posted on 03/03/2017 at 09:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I want that horse lamp. Less because it's a horse lamp and more because when i buy it I'll know I've come around, since i can buy stupid shit like horse lamps.

On the legit I want that side, the Zelda scroll is a friggin' scroll poster.

John Wick 2 & Logan: Watch them Or Die, Bub!

Posted on 03/03/2017 at 09:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You should see if it's online.

I wasn't a newcomer. I saw the first on DVD when a friend rented it. It just dragged a bit for me. Nothing too bad.

Totally different kind of movie, but i agree. 3D animatin, 2D, and live action theatrical bests for Batman.

It ties into an old Shyamalan movie i never saw.

I haven't seen either so i can't comment.

John Wick 2 & Logan: Watch them Or Die, Bub!

Posted on 03/03/2017 at 08:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Just got back from Logan, it was great. I choked up a bit too. Loved the teaser before the movie.

JW2 was slow to start for me, but great. 

Lego Batman was awesome as well. 

Split was good, that was the only one I saw in January.

I noticed my theater has moonlight, so I'll catch a matinee tomorrow.

Switching it Up!

Posted on 03/03/2017 at 08:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm saving my money until further notice (re: when my tax refund hits, which will be a while considering i now have to wait 5-10 days just to file.)

Possible favorite games 1999

Posted on 03/03/2017 at 08:02 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I was good at melee with Roy. How people played with Ness effectively I have no clue.

Skating games I tended to like for soundtracks more than gameplay to be honest.

Uh ... Pokemon snap was a game because it was awesome and addicting. And Blockbuster booths.

Driver was definitely fun. I hated the "follow but don't be seen" missions though.

I didn't realize siphon filter was a must have. Thought it was more obscure. Guess not

See, I've never loved cheat codes in games. I airways want to play as intended. Cheat codes make me feel like a dog who caught the mail truck and has nowhere to go from there.

Adventure never made me dizzy, but I wonder what if there was a VR first person Sonic game. 

DK64 was huge and gorgeous to me at the time. Guess that's why they included the expansion pack for free.

I honestly remember very little about JFG other than you were fighting Allen's i think?

Possible favorite games 1999

Posted on 03/03/2017 at 07:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Of those, Soul Calibur would have been the only one I'd be interested in. I wish I had the love for JRPGs the rest of PIXLBIT has, but I just can't get into them.

Quick Hits: Windows Scam Guy, Lego Dimensions, And A Ton Of Music

Posted on 03/03/2017 at 01:59 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I mostly get fake virus warnings on my phone. Who knew YouTube and Facebook were adult websites compromising my data? Did you? I didn’t know that. At least your scammers say something. I get tons of calls from out-of-state that just hang up. 

Carolla definitely likes to complain about the same things a lot.  Maybe some of his audience is growing old and cranky with him, but I’m just not there yet. 

I dig “want you bad” as well. Good song. I should buy more hip hop. Foxy Brown looks foxy.

Hall & Oates and Led Zep are great bands, but I dunno if I care about any Zep past IV. 

Limp Bizkit is one band whose songs/singles I still like, but as a whole I can see why they’re not really a cultural mainstay now. I joke that us early 90s babies who really had our formative years in the late 90s/early 2000s like to claim we’re “90s kids” mostly cause we’re too embarrassed to admit how popular stuff like Limp Bizkit and Nickelback was. In my opinion, nothing is worse than “The Reason” by Hoobastank. I liked “Crawling in the Dark” by that band though. 

As I always remind people, I saw Bruce Springsteen live in Dallas for free when we hosted the final four and he crowd surfed right next to me. Cool

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