What is this "master's work"? You and your cliff-hangers! lol.
What is this "master's work"? You and your cliff-hangers! lol.
I wouldn't mind it. You're a good writer and there's no reason why someone shouldn't be able to bring up the same topic twice. Heck, we do it all the time anyway!
Wow, that's amazing, Chris! Anybody know how safe it is to store stuff on the new "cloud storage" feature? My hard-drive is stuffed like a Thanksgiving Turkey!
I still want to get ME 3 just to complete the story. Still, I think EA should reevaluate how it handles its' games in the near future!
Oh, the stories we gamers can tell! Epically messed up stuff,bros! That's why I like watching The Guild. It portrays gamers as lovable nice people yet shows how screwed up we can be too. I personally can relate! (thumbs up)
That's right, Tam! Sorry, it's been awhile for me. lol. But yeah, Rose could totally throw down in a tense fight. That made her all the sexier to me!
In game chat is at least good for friendship. For romance? I just don't know,Chris. I'm sure there are some beautiful love stories that started when a guy & a girl began playing WOW, Halo, or COD together but I wouldn't call that the norm. (Maybe I'm just cynical?)
I noticed this between RE 4 and RE 6. RE 4 had interesting puzzles and rewarded you when you backtracked and explored. RE 6 rushes you forward and the puzzles consist of pulling levers or shooting bells. (Though there was one puzzle in Ada's campaign which was more inspired!) I'm looking forward to RE Revelations though. (And I didn't totally hate RE 6. I enjoyed it immensly for what it was yet it has its' faults.)
Some dlc is good. I think it's great games can now receive patch updates online and there is extra content for those who want it.
However, I resent it when certain dlc seems pivotal to the "main story" or "main gameplay". Aka, the stuff where you ask yourself "Shouldn't this have been in the game at launch?".
Good dlc compliments an already complete game. Bad dlc seems as if it was a vital organ removed from a patient's body only to be ransomed back to him or her for a ridiculous amount of money.
I also cannot stand content that's already on the disc yet locked away until we pay a fee.
It's true both guys and girls get roasted for getting geek trivia wrong. You're also correct our passion sort of makes it where it cannot be helped. lol. However, I think females tend to get grilled for it harder than we do. Aka, if they mess up enough we start to think they're fake and just trying to get attention. Though I've been wrong about many geek topics, my geek brethren never once accused me of being "fake". Certainly they rub a bit of salt into my wounds but I was still considered "one of them" so to speak.
It's complicated,yo! I definitely don't have all the answers,Matt. lol. I'm a work in progress!