You didnt like it or are you just not into space games its alot like wing commander without the animae.
You didnt like it or are you just not into space games its alot like wing commander without the animae.
Zelda and Link and Windwaker by far is the best in the series of course thats just my opinion and I did like a link to the past but 1 and 2 had such a unique feeling and the only other that made me have that same feeling was Windwaker what a awesome game.
Mothman this is a awesome game I had to get it on physical disc some games I dont mind digital but games like this are collector games cause 7 years when the ps4 is in full gear alot of these games on physical disc will be rare and expensive.
Im assuming that they ruined Sacred 3 Sacred 2 was a glitchey but deep hack n slash and I honestly was going to get sacred 3 but if its dumbed down then I will just wait for Diablo III which I know will kick butt.
Its a required taste but dont feel bad I didnt like Drakes Fortunes series.
Heavy Rain is a cool game the damn controls are back ass backwards thats the only pick I have against it.
Its $6 @ gamestop
Its a fantastic game joe and if you ever get a ps3 the last of us is the game I would say get first.
Reminds me alot of wing commander but not linear this is a huge game and definitely worth the 6 dallar price tag =-)
Yes they do Darth and you can grind but you have to raise your social links to fuse strong personas you can still fuse them but cant use them till your social link is high and try to use personas with multiple types like bufu for elecric and migawi for earth etc so when you fight especially tough bosses you can get a critical and fight all out.