I had this game on Gamecube at one point, but got rid of it. I don't know why I ever got rid of anything. Gamecube games are kinda pricey nowadays.
I had this game on Gamecube at one point, but got rid of it. I don't know why I ever got rid of anything. Gamecube games are kinda pricey nowadays.
I'm looking forward to Shovel Knight more than anything. I know my brother is gonna buy Dark Souls 2 the second it comes out. I never got into those games. I tried them, but didn't see why everyone thought they were so great. If I want something hard there's plenty of NES games to beat.
I've run into issues with a few Steam games, but the support seems better than GOG at least. I've bought games off there that I couldn't get to work for anything. At least you figured it out, and you could always look up the cut scenes or something.
So Halo 2 was your first FPS? I played the original Halo a long time ago and thought the co-op was fun, but don't really remember much about it. I never had a Xbox or 360. I'm pretty sure I can guess what number 4 is gonna be from your clues.
I hear ya man. Playing Diablo 3 with a controller was really nice. Sometimes I wonder how many times I must have clicked my mouse playing those loot based RPGs like Torchlight and Diablo. They are ridiculous when it comes to that.
Sonic CD is only $5 on Steam. Score! I might have to look into Sonic Advance also. Sonic and Knuckles is probably my favorite Sonic game. I don't think I played any of the 3D Sonic games.
I played through Diablo 3 on PS3, and thought it was alright. Honestly, I liked Torchlight 2 a lot more. Diablo 3 felt dumbed down in some ways. I'm planning on getting Rayman Legends on PC. Origins is a great game. Some of those speedruns are absolutely insane and demand perfection.
This game sounds pretty cool. Do you know if it's on any other platforms? It seems like these kind of games are coming back. There's a game called Volgarr the Viking, and it's similar to this. Two hit deaths, upgradeable armor and weapons, insane difficulty, and what not. Although I think that one is more of a spiritual sequel to Rastan.
I haven't heard it, but will check it out soon. Especially if it sounds like Maiden.