Loved this game on the GBA, i played it on the GC GBA player, (the proper way). Good times.
Loved this game on the GBA, i played it on the GC GBA player, (the proper way). Good times.
Glad you enjoyed MoS because I didn't.
I watched CapA 2: Winter Soldier with my dad Wednesday (so much better), I'll blog about it.
Started Darksiders 2, combat feels slugish to me but the main character has a better personality. I'll blog that too.
Karia looks like Terra from FF6
This'll be a cool way to play FF6 if the ever release it for the Wii U, it''l be like playing the SNES of yesteryear.
I'll be bying a Wii U for the new X game but this'll be cool.
Metroid Fusion was my first Metroid Game and got me into the franchise.
Well, with less shame
cool cat, my Xbox Controller lookes the opposite.
I like this game, here's mine. In no order
1. Metroid Fusion
2. Sonic Advance series
3. Final Fantasy 6
4. The Legend of Zelda: Minsh Cap
5. Advance Wars
6. F-Zero: GP Legend
7. Gunstar Future Heroes
8. Bomerman Tornament
9. Golden Sun
10. Mario and Luigi
Same here, I've finished quite a few titles.
I have this on my "To Play" list, for years infact I never got too it. I still have Persna 4 to finish.
Nice, a friend of mine had that game, never played it though.
I have an original Gameboy, DSI and 3DS XL to go