Its a pretty good game just play it in burst cause it will eat away your life lol!!
Its a pretty good game just play it in burst cause it will eat away your life lol!!
Yea Dark Souls 2 was awesome but Demons Soul I got to the first boss and got my ass handed to me got so mad I traded it now I want it back lol!!!
Hey im 47 and anything but boring just cause your older dont make you less fun it just makes you wiser im as crazy as Blake ha ha well maybe not lol!!!
Hands down Disgaea but it may take a year or so to beat lol!!!
Not to shabby if I do say so myself =-D
I know what you can do, write a book on a 101 ways not to pass out lol!! How ya been Blake college is a great thing and will make it alot easier to land that perfect career. =-)
I tried telling yall it was a addicting game I picked up some dlc got like 49 cents when they had the Rainbow Moon sale a month ago which gave me a boost in leveling and equipment anywho im still grinding away and moving along slowly but do I ever love this game.
Go to account management and look under my account and it will give you a expiration date sorry so late on seeing this.
You know its funny cause im not a big sci fi fan I mean Mass Effect was ok and I need to get DarkStar One again but short of that im not into it but Xcom im obsessed with so go figure probably because that was what I played mostly when it first came out in the 90s.
I have Galactic as well and I enjoyed it to there all three great games.