Get the XL! It's a little more but totally worth it.
Get the XL! It's a little more but totally worth it.
I have the hardest time caring about DLC. It costs extra money and I never seem to have enough hard drive space and just because the game was good doesn't mean the DLC will be. I guess it's just too much work lol, though Dishonored might convince me to get its new DLC coming out, maybe...
That's the plan, I'm sure! And they're making a pretty compelling case too
If you do decide to get a 3DS (recommended!), make sure to get an XL. I like my XL so much better than the origianal 3DS I had before. But the 3DS is really developing a great library. You should jump in before you get too far behind lol
I wanna get this game sometime but can't right now because I bought BioShock Infinite new. Can't do that very often. I love reversible covers though. Xenoblade Chronicles had a good one.
Whoa, Retro/Grade sounds awesome! I had no idea what a trippy game it was. I'll definitely have to check it out
Elite Beat Agents is one of the best impulse buys I've ever made. I knew what it was and decided to give it a try when I found a new copy for $15. Weird game but lots of fun.
I swear, Sony would make more money if they weren't so stuck on using their own proprietary tech. Having such expensive memory cards only hurts game sales (case in point).
The depths that Capcom has sunk to hit me last summer when their big game release was Dragon's Dogma, a Western-style RPG. I couldn't help but wonder what happened to the Japanese developer I had known and loved. They're still MIA.
I think it pays for itself pretty quickly, especially if you have a Vita too. I've been stockpiling the free Vita games in hopes that I'll have a system to play them on eventually.
Glad to hear it went from BioShock Infinite VS Dr Who to BioShock Infinite AND Dr Who Now the question is which to enjoy first...